Chapter 3: SCP-999

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The group were in the hallway, following the sound of the gunshots. They were getting louder and louder as they were getting closer and closer to the vicinity.

"Over here..." Freddie whispered to the group.

The sounds of the gunshots stopped as the group the peeked around a corner. They saw that there were two guards: one injured on the floor, leaning against the wall, and the other was standing in front of him.

"Come on, man. You don't have to do this."

"He told me that you and the Foundation have been feeding us lies! So, I'd say you're talking a lot of shit!"

"What's going on?" Adrian asked. "All I hear is yelling and shouting."

"That's what we're trying to hear." Freddie answered.

"Alright, that's it."

The guard who was looming over the injured guard grabbed his pistol, and pointed it at him. The group was unsure of what to do, but they agreed on one thing.

"We gotta save him." Freddie told the group. "He might help us around the facility."

"Yeah, we need him on our side." Athena added.

"Got it." Dustin aimed the P90 at the guard.

"Now then, it'll be over soon. So just re--"

The guard was cut off by him getting hit by the bullets coming from Dustin's P90. After a few well-landed hits, the guard was dead and the injured guard was surprised.

The group then came out of the open, coming out on the injured guard's view. The injured guard was a bit scared and reach his hand out, telling them to stop where they are.

"D-Class, stay right where you are!" the injured guard told them. "Don't come any closer!"

"Hey, hey. It's alright, man." Freddie tried to calm down the injured guard. "We saved you from that guard."

"That's just the least of my problems." the injured guard replied. "First, SCP-049 escaped, then he let out SCP-035, now we got D-Class running around. This is the worst it has ever been on this site."

"Hey, alright." Drista attempted to calm him down. "We already contained that plague doctor so we've got nothing to--"

"Wait, you... recontained SCP-049?" the injured guard interrupted. "There's no way."

"Believe us, man." Adrian pressed. "We got him locked up and good."

"There's no way that a bunch of D-Class like you recontained that SCP." the injured guard said. "There's just no way."

"You wanna bet?" Dustin asked him. "Because we can go over there can check."

"It's true." Athena added.

"Yeah, sure." the injured guard. "See to believe and all that. Care to help me stand?"

The injured guard then slowly stood up, with assistance from Dustin. He was clutching a gunshot wound on his left abdomen and there was a red tint soaking in his clothes.

"Are you alright, man?" Adrian asked. "That's quite a shiner you got there."

"I'll be fine." the injured guard replied. "It's just a flesh wound. Anyways, show me that you recontained SCP-049, then I might trust you."

"That's fair." Freddie responded.

With that, they made their way back to the containment cell of SCP-049. As they got inside the room, the guard saw that it was indeed the plague doctor, recontained inside its containment cell.

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