Chapter 16: SCP-106

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The task force were now making their way to the facility, which is currently in trouble of a containment breach of a Keter-Class SCP.

"So, what SCP are we dealing with exactly?" Freddie asked.

"SCP-106, 'The Old Man'..." Riley answered. "One of the worst SCPs in the Foundation's custody. He's very violent and difficult to contain, so it's not really a surprise to veteran field agents. As for you guys, it's going to be a wild ride..."

"What makes him so bad?" Drista asked.

"He sounds like a grandpa or just another normal geezer." Adrian added.

"Yeah, he doesn't sound all that dangerous..." Dustin added. "What made him a dangerous SCP?"

"He has this black corrosive mucus-like material, and he can phase through walls overtime." Riley explained. "He's got multiple breaches in the past, like SCP-682, and he loves torturing people."

"Okay, nevermind..." Drista responded.

"What else can he do?" Dustin asked.

"Well, he can also bring victims to some sort of pocket dimension..." Riley answered. "He just brings people there just to torture them..."

The group fell silent after hearing that.

"Yeah, it's not gonna be a walk in the park." Riley spoke. "So, I want you guys to be very careful in dealing with this guy."

"Got it." the group responded.

"Guys, we're touching down now." the pilot told the group. "You guys know the drill by now."

"Yeah, grab our stuff and go." Riley replied. "Thanks for the reminder, Pat."

"No prob." the pilot responded.

The group then began to prepare their equipment and their weapons, as the helicopter was touching down. The corporal opened the door and the group then got off of the helicopter.

The other soldiers and the captain of the task force had also gotten out from their helicopters and were now securing a perimeter in front of the facility.

There were researchers and a few guards, some of which were injured, who came out of the facility and went to the task force.

"Come on, we have to get to the captain." Riley told the group. "She'll tell us us everything about the game plan."

"Got it." the group responded.

The group went over to the captain, who was now setting up a map of the facility with some of her soldiers.

"Ma'am." Riley said as he and the group saluted to her.

"At ease..." Captain Polonskaya saluted back.

"So, what's our game plan, ma'am?" Riley asked.

"The facility is currently on lockdown, and luckily, the remaining personnel had gone out alive." the captain started to explain. "Now, we're not fully sure of the layout of the facility, since we're not risking any of the personnel to go back inside the facility, so we're going in blind."

"And... you're sending all of us inside?" Riley asked.

"Of course not." the captain answered. "I'm sending only a few of you inside, which would be you, Cunningham, and Sodokin. Then the rest of us would be tracking you, and will only go in if anything bad happens."

"And why's that?" Dustin asked.

"Well, someone has to take care and protect the personnel." the captain answered. "Besides, consider this as punishment for lazing about earlier."

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