Chapter 76: SCP-372

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"Alright, that should be enough testing for today..."

Durham had recorded the data she had gathered from the testing with a peculiar SCP. She organised a testing with two D-Class personnel.

The two D-Class were on edge as to what they were seeing, almost as if they were hallucinating something somewhere. They couldn't tell what it was, but they described it to be miniscule and impossibly quick.

They have described the SCP to best of their ability, although the description is still vague. The SCP was of a creature of an unknown genus, with a long thin body with eight pairs of limbs.

"Can we go now, ma'am?" one of the D-Class asked.

"Yeah, I don't wanna be here with this thing running around us..." the other D-Class added, then suddenly darted his eyes to his right. "Ah! There it was again! You see that?"

"I saw it too, man..." the first D-Class nodded, looking to his left as he saw the creature as well. "Ma'am, can you hear us?"

"Huh? Oh, yes, right..." Durham realised. "You two may leave now. Two guards will escort you back to your cells."

"Okay, thank god..." the first D-Class sighed in relief, then looked at the other D-Class. "Come on, man, we should head back."

"I hear ya... this thing gives me the creeps..." the other D-Class agreed. "We don't even know what this thing even is!"

"Don't worry about it, it's not our problem now." the first D-Class reassured the other. "Anyways, let's get outta here..."

With that, the two D-Class had walked out the containment cell of the SCP, feeling relieved that they were leaving the source of their apparent paranoia, then the door closed behind them.

Durham then finished the report for the chief researcher, and looked back at the control panel. She paid her attention to the infrared motion detectors, displaying the temperature in a certain area.

"Alright, let me check one last time for the SCP, then I'll submit the report to Doctor Stevens..." Durham muttered to herself.

She began to wait for any changes in the area's temperature, which would confirm if the SCP stayed in the containment cell. She waited for short while, but the temperature didn't change at all.

"Why isn't any of the devices detecting the temperature?" Durham asked, then sighed. "Please don't tell me that they've malfunctioned already..."

She hesitantly walked out of the door to alert a site technician about the supposedly malfunctioning motion detectors. Little did she know, the SCP had escaped within the two D-Class' blind spots.


"So, that's all we have to do for today?" the first D-Class asked.

"I guess so, man..." the other answered. "Besides, count ourselves lucky. That was just one harmless test out of what? Like couple of others that'll kill us as soon as we get into the room."

"Yeah, you're right there." the first D-Class nodded. "Wanna grab something from the cafeteria?"

"Yeah, sure." the other D-Class agreed. "I can eat."

"Alright, so... where's the cafeteria again?"

"I think it's — ah!"

The D-Class had interrupted his own speech as he saw the creature again from the corner of his eye. He rubbed his eyes and looked around, which made his companion concerned.

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