Chapter 164: Beginning of the End

Start from the beginning

The captain nodded and walked up to her superior's desk, then laid down the folder and opened it. There were a few sheets of documents, making the colonel sigh in disappointment.

"Captain, can you just read the report to me?"

"Ma'am, you're in your 30s..." the captain responded. "Surely you could bear to read the marked words on the pages."

"Ugh..." the colonel groaned. "Fine..."

The colonel started to read through the reports, with the captain watching as she did so. The colonel then spoke up, looking up at her subordinate.

"San Fran?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"What the fuck is he trying to do there?"

"We don't know, but a number of his cultists are present there." the captain answered, sliding a few of the documents to the side revealing the photographs underneath. "Since last week, they have started their spree."

The colonel took one of the photos, taking a closer look at them. She could see a somewhat clear photo of a figure wearing a robe, with the ends of the fabric laced in a golden colour.

"And this?"

"We captured it from one of the available security cameras within the area, I believe that it could be Portnow."

"Well, he does look important in this photo..." the colonel responded, then snickered. "Important Portnow..."

She chuckled a bit at this, then found that her subordinate didn't share the same sentiment, still keeping her serious demeanour. The colonel coughed and cleared her throat, then spoke again.

"Anyways... is this all we have of them?"

"Da..." the captain nodded. "Scott tracked their every move with the satellite. They're still in the area, with occasional skirmishes with local police, still at large."

"Right..." the colonel then set the photo down on her desk. "Alright, you know what to do."

"I'll assemble them right away."


"Still nothing..."

The group were talking amongst themselves in the shooting range, with Adrian practicing his shooting whilst the others were nearby watching him. From there, they talked about the athlete's whereabouts, as it had been a long while since their last encounter.

"Is he ever gonna show his face again? It's like he's a damn ghost or something..."

"Guys, I'm sure we'll get something soon..."

"Freddie, hate to say this... but we're kinda losing it..." the tomboy sighed. "It's been, what, like six months since we've gotten a lead on him... then nothing else came up."

"Doesn't mean I won't stop holding on..." the peacekeeper replied. "He can't hide from us forever. Some way, somehow, he'll show himself again."

"Hopefully anytime soon..." the joker spoke up, and smiled to himself. "Might wanna get even with him after he kicked my shit in."

"Maybe the next time he'll actually rearrange your face." the tomboy reacted. "I mean, your recovery was a hassle to deal with. Your jaw was fractured on a lot of different places."

"Yeah... but good thing I only had to replace just a few of my teeth..." the joker responded. "I can barely tell the difference now..."

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