Chapter 80 - Confession and Assault

Start from the beginning


"The fated day has changed, Azusa." The cap-wearing Arius student says to Azusa at their usual meeting spot.

"It has?" Azusa says, tensing up.

"Tomorrow morning. Wait for further orders at the agreed point." The bluenette says, not knowing just how much turmoil those simple words just caused Azusa.

"H-Hold on, Saori. Tomorrow, I'm supposed to be-" Azusa attempts to say, reigning her terror.

"Is there a problem?" Saori asks lowly, her eyes narrowing her the brim of her cap.

"Preparations are incomplete." The silverette reasons. "Changing to an earlier date poses an immense risk."

"The decision is final. Trust your training and be ready, Azusa." Saori says, brokering no argument.

Azusa can only lower her head in resignation.

"The course of history will change tomorrow- for Arius and Trinity both." The bluenette says. "Don't lose sight of your mission. You are to destroy the halo of the Tea Party's leader, Kirifuji Nagisa. Nothing else matters... I know you can handle yourself.

Just as you did with Seia."

Saori doesn't know just how much those words trouble her.

With a sigh, Azusa says, "Understood. I won't object any further. I should prepare for tomorrow's mission, then." She says, turning around and walking away from Saori.

"...Azusa." Saori mutters behind her mask.

Azusa stops and looks back at the bluenette.

"Never forget. Vanitas vanitatum." Saori says.

"Everything is in vain. Of course." Azusa says calmly, but inside, her blood boils at that accursed motto. "All efforts, achievements, and even failures are meaningless in the end." She says, not believing a single one of her words, not anymore.

"I've never lost sight of that- not even once." She lies, before turning back around and leaving, Saori staring at her back all the while.
Saori, too, turns and leaves.

Neither one of them noticing the camera- that wasn't there before the Make Up Work Club's second exam took place.

Nor do they notice Hanako, who watched the exchange with worry.


Arona looks at the footage worriedly, as I clench my fist.

Those cameras I placed there after the second exam came in handy. Of course, I had to stalk Azusa on one of her nighttime excursions to meet with this Saori girl, just like Hanako did tonight.

Though Hanako went over towards the big chapel after, likely to meet with the Sisterhood for reasons that escape me. Azusa, too, disappeared from cameras.

"Of course that's their plan." I groan. "And they just HAD to move the date of their op to tomorrow."

"Things just had to get worse..." Arona says, sadly.

A knock at the door interrupts us. I motion to Arona to look away from the footage.

I get up and opening it, finding Hifumi there, clad in her gym outfit.

"Hi, Sensei, Arona... I thought you two might still be awake." The blonde says.

"Yeah, we're still up. Come in." I say, letting her inside. "Having trouble sleeping?"

"Yes. I just can't manage to fall asleep." The blonde admits.

The door then opens, due to the fully dressed Hanako. "Don't forget about me!" She chirps.

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