The First Meeting

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 ((A/N; Hey y'all! I missed you guys a lot this summer. Sorry I haven't been posting! I've had an amazing summer though. I'll get into that at the end of this author's note. As for this story, I actually got this idea a few weeks ago. I kinda got the idea of this fanfic while watching the Tokyo Revengers movie. It's an interesting story. You'd have to look into my brain to know why I crafted this. All that's important is that I hope that you guys like it! As for my summer, I think that it ended perfectly. I went to Japan for 17 days. It was a little bit difficult, since it was with a program with a bunch of teenagers that I didn't know, but overall, it was okay. I made so many unforgettable memories there and met my father figure! Then, the night that I came back, I got asked out by my wonderful boyfriend! Anyways, that's enough about me. Happy reading!))

Yeah, I'm very independent. So independent that, in fact, my parents decided that it'd be a good idea to send me to live with my aunt in Japan. Yes, you read that right, Japan. See, I was having a lot of troubles in [Home country]. After we moved away from [Hometown], I was getting bullied in school, living in a depressing town, waking up and not looking forward to anything, getting bad grades in school, living with parents that were always so focused on their jobs which were paying them like they were a joke, dealing with fake friends. There's more. Much more, but I'd rather not get into that.

I called my aunt and told her about my struggles. She was very empathetic. So empathetic that, in fact, she called my parents and told her about this "idea" that she had in mind. When she told them the "idea", my parents thought it was great! Wanna know what that "idea" was? Sending me to Japan. Of course, I was not opposed to the idea. I could stay for however long I wanted, I didn't have to pay rent, the only thing that I was required to do was go to school, I'd get an allowance, I already knew enough Japanese to have a fluent conversation.

My life became pretty great. I went to an amazing school with amazing teachers, made lots of friends, my aunt made me feel right at home, didn't have to get a job, and felt loved. However, something still didn't feel right. What was it though?

Either way, I was happy and content with my life.

One morning, I sat on the subway, headed to Harajuku to meet up with some friends and shop for [Something you're looking for]. Ever since the League of Villains was taken down, Japan has been what it was like back before Quirks even existed. It was honestly really nice. For someone who lived back then, it might've been nostalgic for them. I noticed a cute guy get on board. He had messy green hair and lots of freckles. I noticed that he was wearing a shirt that said... well, 'T-Shirt'. He also had red shoes that looked too big on him and shorts. I immediately tried to make myself look cute, in hopes that he'd notice me. He did, but not for what I thought he would. "Hey, I like your All Might t-shirt," he said, clearly looking at me.

"Oh, thank you," I beamed. "You're another All Might fan?" There weren't a whole lot of people who were actual All Might fans anymore. Ever since All Might retired, he's lost his fan base. Everyone's started liking other, newer heroes. Heroes like Mt. Lady, Kamui Woods, Star and Stripe, Eraserhead, Present Mic. All Might went from being the most overrated hero to the most underrated hero. The guy was the symbol of peace for so long!

"OhmygoshareyoukiddingmeIlovehimsomuch!" he rambled. A few glares were given to him for speaking too loud. He lowered his voice. "Oh, sorry." I chuckled a bit.

"Yeah, I can't believe that he's actually retired," I said.

"I know, it feels so weird to have a different No. 1 hero. Heroes are rarely needed anymore either."

"Yeah... I wonder how UA students feel."

"Well, we're still continuing classes as normal." We're?

Izuku Midoriya x Female Reader ~ Can't Get Away From YouWhere stories live. Discover now