72. The Last Chimera

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Flash-Forward, Eichen House

"When did you know for sure ? That the Dread Doctors had succeeded ?" Valack asked Lydia.

"Y/N, Scott and Stiles found out that night ..." Lydia informed him.

"The night of the supermoon" Valack quiried.

"But they didn't really know it yet. There was too much going on. Liam had almost killed Scott. Kira was still gone. Malia was trying to find the Desert Wolf ..." Lydia explained.

"You were missing" Valack added.

"Y/N found me but she was severely injured ... And Sheriff Stilinski was dying ..." Lydia tells him.

Beacon Hills Preserve, Present Day

Your eyes flickered open, you groaned, Lydia laid weakly across your lap, you stood, using your jacket to rest her head on.

You grabbed your phone, scrolling until you found Parrish's number.

You looked down at your body, examining the wounds Theo had inflicted, you knew that it wouldn't be safe for you to carry Lydia to the hospital.

You dialled Parrish's number, pressing the phone to your ear, waiting for him to answer, you sat ontop of the Nemeton, watching Lydia closely.

Beacon Hills Preserve / Parrish's Apartment

"Y/N ? Where the hell are you ?" Parrish picks up his phone.

"I'm in the preserve. I found Lydia. I passed out, I don't know how long we've been here" You informed him.

"Okay. I'll come to you guys. Where exactly are you ?" He enquired.

"At the Nemeton. Theo was here. He tried to kill me. I can't tell the extent he hurt Lydia" You explained.

"Should I bring anything ? Are you both going to need medical attention ?" He questioned.

"I'll heal but Lydia's been unresponsive since I got here ... I'm gonna need you to bring me a clean shirt" You replied.

"Do you know what he did to her ?" Parrish quiried.

"He went inside her head. I haven't had chance to check if he did anything else" You explained.

"Stay where you are. I'll be there as soon as I can" Parrish ended the call.

Beacon Hills Preserve

"Y/N ? Lydia ?" Parrish called out.

"Parrish ? Over here !" You attracted his attention to your location, he dropped the flare he'd been holding, rushing over to you.

"Are you okay ?" Parrish crouched infront of you, placing his hand on your shoulder.

"I'll be fine. You should be worrying about her" You gestured to Lydia.

Parrish walked over to her, shaking her shoulder, his attempts to rouse her failed.

"Did you not notice this before ?" Parrish held up Lydia's left hand, her index and middle fingernails have been broke off.

"No ... We have to get her to the hospital" You stood, Parrish nodded.

"Can you carry her ?" He questioned, you nod, hoisting her into your arms.

McCall House

You walked up the stairs, finding Scott passed out on the floor in the upstairs hallway, you shook his shoulder in an attempt to wake him up, Parrish came to join you.

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