60. A Promise To The Dead

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Lydia's Dreamscape

Lydia was standing in the middle of the tunnel system at La Iglesia, she'd never been inside before.

She could hear two faint voices but she couldn't make out who they belonged to, she followed the echoes, hiding to prevent herself from being seen.

You were on your knees infront of Kate, she had her claws pressed against your throat, Argent had a gun aimed at his sister's head.

"You don't have to do this, Kate. She's just a kid. Let her go" Argent bargained with her.

"I'm gonna kill this little bitch the same way her father killed me" Kate dug her claws into your skin, you gasped for air.

Argent's hands shook, his finger pressed against the trigger, Kate slashed across your throat, blood splattering on Argent's face.

"No !" Lydia screamed, running to your side, she pulled you into her arms, she couldn't see Kate or Chris anymore.

"I'm sorry" You apologised, your eyes closed and your chest stopped moving.

Y/N's Apartment

Lydia sat up in bed, sweating dripping down her skin, panting heavily.

"Are you okay, babe ?" You awakened due to her sudden movement.

You flicked on the bedside lamp, sitting at the edge of the bed, gesturing for her to join you, she sat beside you, tears clouding her vision.

"Lydia ?" You pulled her into your body, she clung to you, grabbing a fistful of your shirt to keep you close.

"I - I had the premonition again" She shakily informed you.

"The one about me ?" You rubbed her back, your free hand stroking her hair.

"... You're going to die, Y/N" Lydia informed, her tears soaking your shirt.

You examined the clock sighing, you pulled her back onto your bed, wrapping your arms around her tightly.

"Go back to sleep, Lyds. I'll still be here when you wake up" You kiss her on the side of the neck tenderly.

Later that night

You awakened to discover that Lydia was no longer in bed beside you, you picked up your phone, noticing a text from Derek.

"Hey. Lydia's just shown up at my loft. Can you come and pick her up, please ?" You read over the text message, sliding on a pair of shoes and grabbing a leather jacket.

You head out into the hallway, shoving on the jacket and grabbing your car keys.

"I'm on my way" You quickly send him a reply, locking the door to your apartment on your way out.

"Where are you off to in such a hurry ?" Peter stood blocking the stairwell.

"I don't have time for this, dad" You attempt to move past him, he blocks you for a second time.

He grabbed you by the throat, slamming you against the wall.

"Didn't you think I deserved to know that my daughter's going to die ?" He used his body to prevent you from leaving.

"Who the hell told you ?!" You flash red eyes at him.

"I overheard your conversation with Lydia earlier" He shrugged, you pushed him away from you.

"Are you stalking me now ?" You begin to walk down the stairs, your father following close behind.

"I will be from now on. I need to know that your safe" He placed his hand on your shoulder, forcing you to turn and face him.

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