46. The Fox And The Wolf

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Argent Apartment

"This is everything none lethal I could find ..." Allison adds a taser to the table of weapons.

"Take all of it" Chris opens a dufflebag, stuffing items inside.

"What's the plan, here ?" You packed a taser into the bag Allison was holding.

"Our best shot right now is for you and Derek to try to pick up Stiles' scent at Eichen House -- especially if he went through something stressful there" Chris explained.

"Should all five of us be going to the same place ?" The Sheriff zipped up the bag Derek had been filling.

"Where else has Stiles been showing up ?" Argent aimed his enquiry at you and his daughter.

"School ... the hospital ..." Allison began to list off locations.

"Okay, hold on -- we did this already. He disappeared, we started looking for him ... then walked right into a trap at the hospital" Derek reminded.

"... He's getting us to repeat the same moves. The trap won't be at the hospital this time, it's too easy to figure out" You sighed.

"So, what do we do ? Wait for him to come to us ?" You noticed the concern hidden beneath her collected facade.

You stepped closer to her, rubbing her arm, your hand barely grazing her skin, the light touch eased her worry.

"We can't. Not if the Oni find him when the sun goes down" Derek tossed one of Argent's taser wands, you caught it with your free hand.

"Scott's working on that right now with Kira" The Sheriff informed.

"That's the problem -- we're all trying to outfox the Fox" Argent realized.

"Is that supposed to mean something ? We just keep going round and round in circles" You rubbed your temple.

"Listen ... I'll understand if anyone wants to back out" The Sheriff scanned the group, none of you faltered.

"I won't be the first Wolf to run from a Fox" Derek scoffs.

"Apparently, I'm carrying a lightsaber ..." Chris refers to what Parrish had called his taser wand.

"I've never been one to back down from a fight" You took a dufflebag from Chris.

"Dad, you and Derek hit Eichen House. Sheriff, babe, it's you guys and me in the hospital. We all meet in the school" Allison instructed.

"Let's catch a Fox" You followed her and the Sheriff out of the apartment.

Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital

"You know what ? I don't know how you guys do it. You're all so strong. You're fearless. Hell, you even manage to keep your grades up ..." Stilinski broke the silence in the elevator.

"I am ... failing Econ ..." Allison glumly admits to the Sheriff.

"Is that Coach's class ?" Noah sighs, she nods.

You leant against the wall of the elevator, lifting up your shirt to reveal a large purple bruise on your abdomen, groaning from the friction of the shirt's material against your wound, probably from your fight with Kincaid.

"Well, I'll have a talk with him. Hey, you okay ?" Sheriff questioned both you and Allison.

"I'm not ... fearless ... I'm terri-terrified. I'm always terrified. I ... I act like I know what I'm doing, but I don't. I don't know if you're gonna make it every time you get injured, Y/N ... I don't know if I made a mistake with Scott ... I don't know what my dad is thinking ... I don't know if we should trust Derek ... I don't know ... I don't know anything" Allison tearfully breaks down, Stilinksi switches the emergency switch in the elevator.

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