14. Shape Shifted

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Railway Depot

"Derek ? Derek ! Y/N ? Y/N ! Guys !" Isaac wondered into the local railway depot.

"What's wrong ?" Derek questioned him, you standing at the alpha's side.

"My dad ... I think that he's dead -" Isaac stammered a response.

"What the hell did you do, Lahey ?" Your voice sounds firm as you accused him.

"That's the thing ... It wasn't me" He took a couple of deep breathes.

Isaac doubles over slightly, regaining his breathe, you can tell that he'd ran there.

Sweat dripping and his heavy breathing easily gave you that conclusion.

"What killed him then ? If it wasn't you" You urged Isaac to answer you question.

"I don't know" He shrugged as he replies to your inquiry.

"And we're not waiting here to find out" Derek grabbed your hand and leads you away from Isaac.

"I have an idea about who it could have been" You whisper to your elder cousin.

"Don't say what I think you're going to say. It isn't a full moon" Derek hugs his jacket closer to his body.

"I could've been Jackson. It doesn't have to be a full moon for a werewolf to turn psycho. You and I both know that. I'll try to keep my eye on him at school" You go to walk off but Derek grabbed your arm.

"Keep an eye on Isaac too and see of you can find any new recruits for the pack. I want another two beta's but you're only picking one of them. So, choose wisely" He smiled before disappearing out your line of sight.

Beacon Hills Highschool

You, Allison and Lydia greet each other in the parking lot infront of the school.

Allison and Lydia both have their bags slung over one shoulder.

"You really don't remember anything ?" Allison's the first to speak about Lydia's disappearance.

"They called it a fugue state, which is basically a why of saying, we have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days" Lydia explains to the two of you.

"It's actually a good thing that you don't remember anything. God knows what you might have seen out there in those woods" You hinted at Hale house, which caused Allison to glare at you.

"Honestly, I remember seeing a burnt as hell old house. And that's about it" Lydia shrugs, you shared a glance with Allison who rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah. That's Hale house. It's where I use to live before the fire ... I moved to New York after it happened for a short while" You explained as she smiled at you.

"Personally, I don't care about the fugue state thing. I lost nine pounds" She flicks her hair over her shoulder.

"Are you ready for this ?" Allison smiled at her best friend softly.

"Please. It's not like my aunts a serial killer" Lydia scoffed.

"... maybe it's the nine pounds ?" Allison whispered to you as Lydia walked away, ignoring all of the stares from the others that are in the hallway.

She regains her own composure before heading towards her first period class.

"Or she's just being bitchier than usual" You followed after Allison.

In class

You took the seat behind Stiles, listening in to their conversation with your wolf hearing.

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