10. Co-Captain

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On the road

You and Derek are driving to the school, closely followed by Peter.

"Do you believe him ?" You crossed your legs, leaning back in your seat.

"Honestly ... Yeah, I kind of do trust him. After what he told us" Derek indicates to turn into the schools parking lot.

"Peter's heart rate was steady the entire time" You still didn't belive your father, he would have killed you at the school if you'd have given him the chance.

"He's your father. You know him better than I do" Derek parked his car inside of the parking lot.

"Scott's still here" You nod toward Scotts familiar car.

"We'll meet him in the locker rooms. We can explain this to him" Derek holds the door open for you to climb out.

"I have something else that I need to do. Don't wait for me when you're done. I'll meet you back at Hale House" You starts to walk away but Derek calls out to you.

"Wait, Y/N. Take these" He threw you his car keys before walking out of sight.

Beacon Hills Highschool, The girls locker room

You pushed open the locker rooms door, using your claws to rip the cops tape off of the entrance way.

You walked over to the lockers, spotting several with claw marks across them.

You ran your fingers along the marks on the metal locker door, trying to find out whether you or Peter had caused them.

"What're you doing in here ?" A familiar voice made you jump in shock.

"Lydia ? I thought you left with Jackson" You balled your hands into a fist to hide your extended claws.

"I am not going anywhere with him" She comes into your line of sight.

"What happened ?" You moved closer to her, hoping that your dad didn't see this interaction.

He's already threatened her once, you're well aware he'll go through with it, if he sees your best friend as a threat.

"Jackson broke up with me - I don't have a ride home" Lydia whimpered, wiping some tears from her face.

"I'll drive. Come on" You dangled the set of keys in the air.

Lydia gladly accepted your offered hand and let you lead her over to Derek's car.

The school parking lot

"Who's car is this ? It isn't yours ?" Lydia examined the black car infront of her.

"It's just a friends. I told him that I'd give him it back tomorrow" You reassured.

Lydia nods her head, climbing inside of the passenger seat.

You close her door for her, walking over to the driver side of the car.

Lydia opens up the glove box, she didn't think that you had stolen the car but she did want to know who's it was.

You took your phone out of your pocket, sending a text to Derek.

"Hey. I'm taking Lydia home. I'll bring the car to Hale house in a bit" You explained to your older cousin.

"All right. I'm going to talk to Scott now. Drive safely, Y/N/N. Not the usual lunatic car case driving" Derek places his phone back inside of his pocket.

Lydia picked out the registration card in the glove box, noticing the name Derek Hale on the slip of paper.

You opened the driver side door, getting inside of the vehicle.

Whatever It Takes {Teen Wolf X Reader}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя