33. Visionary Part 2

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Y/N's Apartment 2008

"Okay. So, the apartments in my name. If you have any questions or need help with anything, ask the landlord ... Here's the keys. She said you can stay here on your own and she'll keep an eye on you for me. I'm gonna stay at Hale House" Derek informed fourteen year old you.

"Hale House burnt down. You can't stay somewhere if it doesn't exist, Derek" You effortlessly caught the keys.

"The ruins are still there. It's not like anyone's gonna care, it's an abandoned building. No one owns it" He shrugged, his hand resting on the doorknob.

"Why aren't you staying here with me ?" You questioned, placing the keys down on the side.

"It's best that we live apart. That way if the hunters find us again, they can't take us all out. With Laura in New York, me at Hale House and you here, they won't suspect anything" He explained.

"Fine ... I love you, Derek" You huffed in defeat, he pulled you into a hug.

"I love you too, kiddo. Call me after your first day at school. I want to hear every last detail, okay ?" He whispered in your ear.

"Okay. I'll call you" You chuckled, Derek released his hold on you, heading out of the front door, glancing at you one more time, closing the door behind him.

Beacon Hills Highschool 2008

The next morning ...

"Isn't that the mens restroom ?" You ask the strawberry blonde, noticing the sign on the door.

"Yeah. I, um ... went into the wrong one" Lydia mumbled, clearly embarrassed by the ordeal.

"I won't tell if you don't" You offered her a friendly smile.

"Thank you, I'd appreciate that. What's your name ?" Lydia looked you up and down.

"I'm Y/N Hale" You hold out your hand for her to shake.

"My name's Lydia" She shook your hand with a gentle smile.

"What do you have first period ?" You maneuvered to examine the timetable in her hand.

"French with Miss Morrell" She shrugs.

"Yeah, me too. I'm sure we can find it" You show her your timetable.

"We've got alot of classes together. Do you wanna be friends ? You're the first person I've spoken to today. I could do with atleast one friend" Lydia batted her eyelashes at you.

"I'd love that. We should get going. You don't wanna be late on your first day, do you ?" You shove your timetable back into your backpack.

"No, definitely got. We've gotta make a good first impression" She leads the way, using the clear directions on signs in the hallway.

Abandoned Distillery 2009

"Hello ?" You twisted around, guard up, you'd been training in an old distillery but the cracking from behind, indicates that you're not alone.

"Relax, Y/N. It's only me" Deucalion held his hands up in surrender.

"Is that supposed to make me not want to kill you ?" You retracted your claws, glaring at the demon wolf.

"No, I can't control your killer werewolf instincts ... I wouldn't usually seek you. Aren't you a little concerned ? Don't you want to know how I found you ?" He stepped closer to you, patting your back to help him figure out where you were standing.

"You asked Kali to track me, right ? She's the only one who has a strong enough lock on my scent" You collected your bag, sliding on your hoodie, it's a chilly winters evening in Beacon Hills.

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