81. Apotheosis

255 13 1

Beacon Hills Animal Clinic

"This is the dumbest idea you've ever had" You sighed, climbing out of your car, Scott and Liam are holding up a severely wounded Surgeon.

"I know but this might be the only way to stop the Beast" Scott sighed.

"And get Mason back" Liam added.

"He's still alive !" Scott called out to Deaton and Stiles as the three of you enter the exam room.

You and Scott lift the Surgeon up onto the exam table, Deaton begins to examine him.

"Can you keep him alive ?" Scott enquired.

"I'm not sure he technically is alive" Deaton corrected.

"They've been using an Alpha as a life source" You informed Deaton.

"Screw keeping him alive ! How do we get him to talk ?" Liam scoffed.

"Personally, I don't think we utilize torture nearly enough ..." Stiles agreed, Deaton gives him a look.

"Come ..." Sebastien whispered loudly.

"Did you hear that ?" Liam frowned.

"Come to me ... To me ..." Sebastien repeated, you focused your hearing.

"That sounds like Sebastien" You realised.

"Who the hell is Sebastien ?!" Stiles asked.

"He's the original Beast of Gévaudan" You explained.

The Surgeon bolts upright and causes an ear-splittingly loud noise to ring loudly throughout the room, which forces Deaton everyone to cover their ears.

The Surgeon stands and gets ready to leave. Liam growls and lunges towards him.

"Liam, wait !" Scott warned, causes an electromagnetic concussive blast that shoves Liam backward, he hits the wall, crashing to the floor.

The Surgeon walks out the door and raises his hand before he walks into the parking lot, which causes all of the metal furniture to fly toward the door to the exam room.

"Stop. It's electrified" Deaton warned as you, Scott and Liam moved to follow the Surgeon.

Instead, the three of you listen to Sebastien and the Surgeon's ongoing conversation.

"The Argents ... The cane !" You realise.

"But they took it. They took the cane" Liam sighed defeatedly.

"Maybe there's something in here ? Something about how he was a genetic chimera. Mason had a vanishing twin ..." Scott agitatedly flipped through Mason's chart.

"Now we've got a vanishing Mason" Scott sighed.

"What does that have to do with him turning into a 250-year-old French guy ? How does that even happen ?" Liam enquired, confused.

"Hold on ... Scott might have something. Mason's twin wasn't entirely gone -- that's what made him a genetic chimera. The DNA was still there. Metaphorically speaking, the DNA of Mason could still be inside Sebastien as well" Deaton examined the charts.

"How ?" You questioned.

"Life is energy. Energy doesn't just disappear. The Dread Doctors may have found a way to break the rules of the supernatural world, but there are some rules that simply won't break" Deaton explained.

"So, Mason can't just be gone ?" Liam summarised.

"Somewhere in Sebastien, he has to still exist in some form. A spark of energy, a flicker of memory ..." Deaton continued.

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