47. De-Void

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Derek's Loft

"... You're not my son" The Sheriff's words trigger the four of you to enter.

"Hello again, Miss Hale" The Nogitsune smirked, he was well aware no one else knew about your nightmares.

"How does he know your name ?" Chris looked between you and Void.

"Tell 'em. They deserve to know" Void broke his restraints in one swift motion.

"He didn't just try to possess Stiles ..." You admitted.

"What are you talking about ? Is this something to do with the nightmares ?" Allison grabbed ahold of your wrist.

"Not just the nightmares, Alli. It was the hallucinations too. He tried to get in my head but when he realised he couldn't break me ... he moved on. That's when he started trying to posses Stiles. It's my fault that he's Void. It should be me not him" You quickly got lost in the painful confession.

"I'm glad you were too strong. You'd be much harder to stop" Argent squeezed your shoulder, the Sheriff gave you a nod of understanding.

Void didn't want them to understand, he wanted them to turn their backs on you.

Allison shot the taser at him, he grabbed wires, yanking the weapon out of her hands.

Derek charged at him, Void twisted his arm up his back, slamming his head into the table, tossing him into the wall.

When Void turned round, Argent had a gun aimed at his head.

"Argent, listen to me ! Don't do this !" The Sheriff pleaded with the hunter.

"Why not ? I've done it before ... Werewolves, Berserkers ... I can easily add a Nogitsune to the list" He applied a little more pressure onto the trigger.

"You're not gonna shoot my son !" Sheriff Stilinski aimed his gun at Chris.

"You said it yourself, Sheriff -- that's not your son" Argent reminded him.

"Chris, you don't have to do this. We can find another way. No-one has to die. You know that" You stepped closer.

"Put it down ! Put it down !" The Sheriff was more than willing to shoot Chris if he so much as fired a warning shot.

"Dad, he's going to shoot me. He's going to kill me, Dad" He made his lip tremble, acting as much like Stiles as possible.

"Don't listen" Argent checked his gun was loaded.

"Put it down ! Now ! Do it ! Put it down !" The Sheriff yelled at the armed hunter.

"Chris, please, just put the gun down" You held out your hand for the weapon.

"Pull the trigger ! Come on !" Void encouraged him.

"Listen to me -- you put the gun down, now !" Allison and Derek looked out the window, night was beginning to fall.

"It's a trap" You gave up on stopping the two men, moving to stand beside Derek.

"We should've known. He's making them do this. They don't want to hurt each other" Derek nodded in agreement.

"Shoot me !" Void egged Argent on.

"Put the gun down, now !" Sheriff was at his breaking point.

"Dad ..." Allison attempted to gain her father's attention.

"Shoot me !" Void steps closer to the gun.

"Put the gun down !" Noah prepared to shoot Argent.

"Shoot me !" Void encouraged.

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