3. Pack Mentality

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Beacon Hills Highschool, Hallway

The sound of Principal Thomas's voice is heard over the PA system.

Allison, Scott, Y/N and the other student in the hallway pause briefly to listen.

"Attention, students, this is your principal" He started to talk and you roll your eyes.

"No shit" You mumbled as Lydia grasped your arm tightly.

"Shut up - And listen. It should be about that attack" She snapped at you.

You closed your mouth almost instantly, knowing better than to argue with her.

"I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night on one of our buses ..." The principal pauses for a short moment.

Allison and Scott stands back up as Scott handed her the last book off of the floor as the announcement continued.

"While the police work to determine what happened, classes" He ends the PA.

The students all groaned in unison and disappointment that classes haven't been cancelled.

"You can let go of me now" You chuckles as Lydia noticed that she is still holding onto your upper arm.

"Right, yeah, sorry" She let go as Jackson gestured for you to join him.

"I'm going to head over and talk to your boyfriend, text me if you need anything" You smiled before walking away.

Allison ruffled Scott's hair affectionately with her right hand.

"Save me a seat at lunch ?" She watched him, awaiting his response.

McCall still overwhelmed by relief that he didn't actually kill Allison, smiles in a slight delayed reaction.

"Yeah" He watched as Allison turned her head and walked to class.

Scott slowly starts to walk down the hall towards his own class. 

You and Jackson started to head down to your first class together.

"I can't believe that they are still making us go to class" He groaned.

"Me either but I guess that it kinda made a little sense" You shrug your shoulders.

"How exactly is that ?" Jackson adjusted his bag on his shoulder.

"Their searching for a murderer. Having tons of teenagers out on the streets, isn't going to help" You glance at his locker in confusion.

"What's up, Hale ?" He bumped his right shoulder with yours in order to get your attention.

"Jackson, I think something's happened to your locker" You gestured ahead.

Jackson walks several pace ahead of you to arrive at his locker more quickly.

"Seriously ?!" He ran his fingers through his hair in annoyance.

"Maybe it was the police ... this morning. Their locker checks must've not gone to plan" You suggest but Jackson shook his head.

"No. This was McCall" He accused as you rose an eyebrow at him.

"What exactly did he do then ? You have to have some sort of proof before you go making accusations" You leaned against the locker next of his.

"It was Scott, alright ?! He did this just to spite me. I mean, punching my locker's a little low but nothing is too low for him" He examined the locker.

"Someone's fist can't do that" You look at Jackson with a focused expression.

"What the hell else could he have done ? Huh ?" He tried to open the locker.

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