70. Lies Of Omission

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Martin House

"Y/N ? Why are you still awake ?" Lydia rubs her eyes, sitting up in bed.

"I did try to sleep ... I thought doing some research would be a good way to spend my time" You shrugged, closing your laptop.

"Did you find anything useful about Parrish ?" Lydia patted the spot on the bed beside her.

You sat beside her, leaning your back against the headboard of the bed. 

"No, I can't find anything about someone who steals dead Chimeras and takes them to an ancient tree" You sighed, Lydia placed a hand on your shoulder.

"Do you think we should tell him ?" She enquired.

"Not until we know enough to explain it to him ... We already told Scott and Stiles. It's probably best we keep it between us for now" You laid down, pulling her close, she rested her head on your chest.

"Why can't you sleep ?" Lydia questioned.

"Because of everything, Lyds ... Scott's asthma's back and we have no idea why. We haven't seen the Dread Doctors or any new Chimeras for five days. None of us are really talking to each other unless we have to. We're lying to Parrish and the Sheriff. We're trying to find the Nemeton but we just keep going round in circles. Malia's barely talking to me. Deaton hasn't come back yet. And we haven't heard from Kira since she left" You admitted.

"Everything's going to work out eventually. We'll all be fine" She reassured.

"I know. But the Pack feels different" You look down at her.

"How so ?" She enquired.

"Like we're all keeping secrets and it's just gonna blow up in our faces when everyone finds out" You sighed.

"You don't think I'm keeping anything from you, do you ?" Lydia questioned.

"No ... But I need to tell you something" You know that you have to tell her.

"Okay. Tell me" Lydia moved so that she was sitting infront of you.

"I asked Braeden to help me track down my mother" You admitted.

"Have you made any progress ?" She questioned.

"A little. From what I know, I don't want to meet her. I hope I never have to" You take her hand in yours. 

"Does anyone else know ?" Lydia quiried.

"Only Malia" You admitted.

"Thanks for telling me ... Let's get some sleep. We can go look for the Nemeton tomorrow" She offered, you nodded, she laid beside you, her head leaning on your shoulder.

Abandoned House

You, Parrish and Sheriff Stilinski are examining where the Dread Doctors had kept Liam and Hayden.

"This definitely doesn't look like an operating theater. Maybe it's more like a remote field station ?" Parrish suggested.

"Yeah, I think you're right, this definitely isn't where my memory happened" You agreed.

"I'm starting to wonder if maybe we're wasting our time looking for potential Chimeras, when maybe ... we should be looking for the failures" The Sheriff suggests.

"How do we do that ?" Parrish enquired. 

"We equip every available deputy with a UV light" The Sheriff examined the mercury on the wall.

"What's UV light gonna show us ?" Parrish enquired.

"Mercury" You informed him.

Beacon Hills Preserve

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