1. Wolf Moon

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Hale House

"Derek ?!" You called out to your cousin.

"Y/N ?" He appeared behind you, making you jump in shock.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack ?" You shoved his shoulder playfully.

"Sorry" He apologised, glancing down at your extended claws.

"Don't worry about it. We have other things to need to worry about" You retracted your claws, closing your fist.

"Not things. It's a person ... There's another werewolf in town" He informed you.

"Are you sure there's only one ?" You sigh, following Derek up the steps that lead to the house.

"We should talk about this inside. We're too exposed out here" He holds the door open for you.

"I don' think it's entirely private in there" You sighed, entering the house behind him.

"There's one, as far as I'm aware. Possibly two" Derek informed you while he locked the door.

"Who are they ? Do you have a description ? Anything that could help us track them down" You question.

Derek shakes his head, making his way up the ancient staircase.

"I don't know, okay ? I can't find anyone who saw them. All I know is that there's a new Alpha turning people" He ensured the door had been closed when you'd entered.

"... We'll figure this out, Derek" You followed him, spotting the family photos hanging on the walls, exactly where they'd been before the fire.

"No, Y/N, it's too dangerous. The Argent's are back in town. We can't risk going after the guy the Alpha turned" Derek paused, his hand resting on the banister.

"All we need do is wait. Just let them come to us" You lean in the doorway to your old room.

"What do you have in mind ?" He sighed.

"I think they'll want this back" You lifted a dirty inhaler in the air, the dull light shining off the metal.

"So, they were an asthmatic before being bitten. That's a start" Derek smiled, holding his hands out for the inhaler, you dropped it into his hands

"Whoever they are, they won't know what happened. They'll come back, thinking they still need it" You shrugged.

"... I need you're help, Y/N. I can't do this alone" Derek admitted he needed your help.

"Of course, I'll help, Derek. You're my blood. My first instinct is to help family, you know that" You smiled at your older cousin.

"Good -- I'm gonna need you to do some investigating" Derek suggests, although his tone allows you to recognise you don't have a choice in the matter.

"I'll stop by the field. See if any of them are excellent lacrosse players all of a sudden" You began to walk away from him.

"Y/N ?" He loosely gripped your upper arm, you spun around to face him.

"Yeah ?" You searched his face for a giveaway of why he'd stopped you, only seeing worry in his eyes.

"Be careful. Don't use your powers unless you have to. We need to be even more careful than normal, there's hunters everywhere" He warned.

"I promise. I'll be careful" You reassured him

"Good ... See you tomorrow" He released your arm, you exited the house.

Beacon Hills Highschool

The next day ...

You and Lydia stood by your lockers, awaiting Jackson's arrival.

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