28. Unleashed

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Beacon Hills Highschool

Girls locker room

You geared up for yearly cross country, shoving your phone and textbooks into your locker.

"Is everyone decent ?" Coach called out from behind the front door.

"Yeah" Everyone shrugs, looking at each other to double check.

Coach Finstock entered, a clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other.

"Has anyone seen Y/N Hale ?" He called out, you close your locker.

"I'm here, Coach" You rose your hand to indicate your presence.

"Can I talk to you outside ?" He gestured towards the empty hallway.

"Sure. What's this about ?" You followed him out of the locker room.

"I was talking to McCall. And he happened to mention that you're good at lacrosse. I was wondering, if you wanted to join the team ?" Coach asked.

"Yeah, Coach. I'd love to join the team" You smiled at Coach Finstock.

"All right. Don't let me down at cross country" Coach walks away with a smug grin on his face.

Miss Morrell's Office

Jennifer knocks on Miss Morrell's door, waiting to be invited inside.

"Come in !" Morrell stopped typing away on her laptop.

"Good morning, Miss Morell" She greets the other staff member.

"Good morning, Miss Blake. Are you finding your way around the school easy enough ?" Marin closed her laptop.

"Just fine. Thank you ... I was wondering where I can access the student records" Jennifer shuts the office door behind her.

"And why would you want those ?" She eyed the new teacher, suspiciously.

"I'm concerned about a students well being and wish to look into it" Jennifer shrugged in response to the accusation.

"The files are in the main office. Can I ask which student you're looking into ? They might have visited me for a session before" Morrell prepared to type in the name she was given.

"Y/N Hale" Miss Blake gave Morrell your name.

"She's been in here before. We've had a couple of sessions ... The poor kids been through alot. It's all in her file" Morrell informed the English teacher.

"Thank you. I'll look into it" Miss Blake smiles, exiting the office and making her way towards the main office.

Cross Country Track

You, Isaac, Scott and Stiles are getting ready to run the cross country race with everyone else.

Coach Finstock blows his whistle for the race to start, Aiden and Ethan take off, a distraction that prevents Isaac from starting the race.

"Pace yourselves ! Come on !" Finstock reminds the large group of people who had taken off at full speed.

"Isaac !" Scott paused beside him, you do the same.

"It's them !" Was the only response Isaac gave before he took off.

"Isaac, wait ! Isaac !" Scott sighed, you took off at full speed to keep up with Lahey.

Aiden, Ethan and Isaac raced off infront of everyone, you and McCall can barely catch them.

"Is he insane ? If they are two of the Alpha's that tried to kill him, why did he just take off after them ? We can't help him when he's not with us" You panted from exertion.

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