13. Omega

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Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital

"Hey. I'm here to see Lydia Martin. Have you guys gotten any new updates on her condition ?" You wait infront of the desk at the hospital reception.

"No, I'm afraid, we don't have more info. You're free to go through though. Lydia's been asking for you" Miss McCall turned to face you.

"Melissa ? Scott told me that you weren't working today" You tapped your fingers against the reception desk.

"I wasn't suppose to be working ... one of the nurses managed to catch the flu. The hospital needs someone to do cover for their shifts" Melissa explained to you.

"Um, is that Stiles ?" You gesturing in the direction where he was asleep.

"Yeah. He's been here for day's. He's had a crush on Lydia for ages" Melissa picks up a stack of papers and wonders off.

"Hey, Y/N. Does Lydia actually know this kid ?" Natalie Matin guided you through the crowded hallways.

"Oh, that's Stiles. He's one of my friends" You continued walking down the hall.

"Lydia kept on asking for you. She really could use her best friend. We'll be in the family room if you need anything" Miss Martin rests her hand on your shoulder warmly.

"I'll keep that in mind, thanks" You open the door to Lydia's hospital room.

"Go away. If you've come in here to give me another handful of those God awful painkilling drugs" She didn't so much as glance at the front door.

"That's not a very nice way to greet your best friend" You chuckle, lifting the box of her favourite chocolates in the air.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, come in. As long as my mother hasn't sent you with a handful of pills" Lydia joked half-heartedly.

"Nothing. Sorry to disappoint you. I only came with your gift" You opened your fist, showing her your empty hands.

"You think that's funny ? Really ?" Lydia threws her pillow at you.

"I know that you love me, Lyds. And I'm charming as hell. Even the Lydia Martin didn't resist my charms" You teased her, catching the pillow one handed.

"Shut up" She rolled her eyes playfully, patting a spot at the edge of the bed.

"Here. I thought these would cheer you up. All things considered" You place the box ontop of the bedside table.

"Thanks. I love you so much. You're my best friend. Just don't tell Allison I said that" Lydia takes your hand in hers.

"My lips are sealed, Lydia. Those words will never be spoken again" You pretend to zip your lips with a smile.

Silence fell over the two of you, you are glad that she's safe but you couldn't help but think that this was your fault.

Maybe if you'd decided to join your dad instead of resisting him, Lydia wouldn't be in a hospital room.

"Are you okay ?" She breaks your out of your train of thought.

"I can't helping thinking that you being in here ... is my fault" You admitted.

"Why, Y/N ? You can't control every wild animal in Beacon Hills" Lydia squeezed your hand reassuringly.

"Because, Lydia, I shouldn't have let you go alone. I should have followed you. If I had followed then maybe you wouldn't be sitting here" You explained.

"That doesn't automatically make it your fault" Lydia notices that you were trying your best to avoid her gaze.

"You scared the hell out of me. When I saw you lying motionless on the field. I honestly thought you were dead, Lydia" You hadn't realized but tears flowly start to flood your vision.

Whatever It Takes {Teen Wolf X Reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon