23. Battlefield

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Y/N's Apartment

You wince, sitting up in bed, the injuries finally taking a toll on you.

Erica is sound asleep in the chair beside you, her hand tightly gripping yours.

"Baby, wake up" You shake her shoulder with your free hand.

"Y/N ?" Erica smiled when you squeezed her hand, indicating that you'd healed.

"Love, did you think I'd forget to remind that I'm okay ?" You sit at the edge of the bed.

Erica climbed into your bed beside you, snuggling up against your chest.

"I'm scared, Y/N" She admitted, her eyes filled with tears.

"Babe, I will always protect you. I'm not gonna let you get hurt" You brush your fingers through her hair, untangling it.

"... It's not me I'm worried about. I don't want you to get hurt - to the point where you can't heal. I can't lose you, Y/N" She buried her face in her hands.

"Hey, look at me" You gently to tilted her head so she's looking you directly in the eyes.

She sniffed, wiping her tears away with the sleeve of the hoodie that she'd taken out of your wardrobe when she got cold during the night.

"I'm never going to leave you, I promise. And I'm not gonna let anyone lay a hand on you if I can help it. We'll take care of Jackson and then we could leave. Start a new life in Los Angeles or Texas. I'm not gonna force you to stay any longer than you wish to" You reassured her.

"You promise ? We can leave when this's all over ?" She nudged your chin, resting her head in the crook of your neck after you'd moved.

"I can't see anyone else get hurt because of me, especially you ... I promise, love" You interlocked your fingers with hers.

"What do you mean ?" Erica repositions herself inorder for her gaze to be able to meet yours.

"Too many people have died because they knew me. Kate, Peter, Talia, Laura, etcetera. I can't add you to the list, Erica. I refuse to let you die because of me, my love" You pulled Erica further into your warm embrace

"Do you think Derek's awake yet ?" Her question appears to catch you off guard.

"Probably. Why ? Is he texting you about pack stuff again ? I told him to only text at a reasonable hour -" Erica shakes her head fondly, cutting you off with a kiss.

"It's not pack stuff this time, Y/N. Me and Boyd just wanted to ask him something" Erica explained vaguely, your eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Okay. I'll drive you. He might be at Hale House or maybe the Depot" You suggest two possible locations.

"I'd rather do this on my own" You wrap a hand around her wrist to prevent her from moving away from you.

"As if. You're not going alone. I just gave you a speech about never leaving you. I can't break my word already, I've always been a women of my word - I'm coming" You started to change into a set of more reasonable and more clean clothes.

"Let's go" You reach out, taking her hand and leading her out into the parking lot when you were both ready.

Railway Depot

"I already know. Boyd called me" Derek  acknowledged your presence but didn't turn to face you.

"Did he tell you want they want to do ?" You took the final step, looking over his shoulder so you can see what he's doing.

"Yeah, didn't Erica tell you ?" He turns to face you.

"No. She's waiting in my car" You dangle your car keys high in the air.

Whatever It Takes {Teen Wolf X Reader}Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz