79. Maid of Gévaudan

231 14 0

Beacon Hills Highschool

Stiles is holding up a gravely injured Liam, you have your arm wrapped around Hayden's shoulder, deep claw wounds slashed across your chest and abdomen.

A chaotic flood of students flood into the hallway, the four of you are forced to stop, they hear the Beast roaring in the distance.

"Come on ! Come on !" Stiles frantically gestured to a nearby biology classroom, the four of you move inside.

"The desk ! The desk !" Stiles leans Liam against the wall, he uses his arm to empty the  desk.

"Help him. I'll be okay" You reassured, sitting on one of the student's desks, examining the extent of the wounds on your body.

Hayden helps Liam lay on his back of Mrs Finch's desk.

"Okay, okay" Stiles tried to think of what to do.

"Liam ..." Hayden looked at him, alarmed.

"I'm okay ! I'm fine" Liam groaned, Stiles and Hayden pull Liam's jersey away from his injuries, gasping in horror when they realise the severity of the wounds.

Hayden puts her hand over her mouth to muffle her alarm, and Stiles looks as though he's about to either faint or throw up.

"What ? Is it bad ?" Liam attempted to sit up to see them for himself, falling onto his back weakly.

"No !" Hayden shakes her head, hoping to reassure him.

"Very !" Stiles replied at the same time.

"You're not helping !" You retorted, standing and walking over to where Liam is laid.

Liam coughs hoarsely as Hayden continues to remove his jersey.

"Okay. Okay. What do you guys usually do when this happens ?" Hayden enquired.

"Oh, I usually pass out ... And I think I still might do that ..." Stiles looked at the torn flesh of Liam's abdomen and loses his balance.

"Stiles !" Hayden's voice snapped him back to the matter at hand.

"Okay, okay. Okay. Scott did this with pain. He could trigger it. Uh ... pain makes you human" Stiles explained.

"He's already in pain !" Hayden argued in exasperation.

"We know but you need to break one of his bones. It's the quickest way to take away his pain" You explained.

"Take away his pain ..." Your words trigger a memory in Hayden's mind.

Hayden quickly leans forward, pressing her lips to Liam's, her blood vessels darken as they travel away from her face, she takes his pain, Liam is clearly much more relaxed as he lays back down.

"Okay. Next time, I'll kiss him" Stiles remarks, Hayden is clearly amused.

"I'd rather you break my arm" You retorted, he rolled his eyes, Hayden came over to you, snapping your arm, breaking it instantly.

"Do you hear that ?" Hayden enquired, going back to Liam to help tend to his wounds.

"It's Scott. I have to help him" You placed your hand on the doorhandle, Stiles's hand on your shoulder stopped you.

"Are you insane ?! The Beast's still out there. It'll kill you !" Stiles reasoned.

"I'd rather it kill me than kill an innocent kid" You shrugged, Stiles sighed, moving the desk away from the door so you can leave.

The Hallway

"Scott ?" You find the True Alpha, injured from his own encounter with the Beast.

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