Chapter 35-Epsilon

Start from the beginning

"Why does it always have to be the tough ones?" he muttered, drawing his blade, Muramasa.

"Would you like any additional assistance with this fight?" Fenrir offered telepathically, but Izuku shook his head.

"I've got this. Besides, I sense Nero's probably dealing with something similar, and I'm not letting him outshine me," Izuku declared with determination, his smirk unwavering.

Meanwhile, Nero advanced into a chamber dominated by eerie, glowing violet rocks. Within, he encountered a demon of bizarre composition, boasting three heads atop a human-like torso fused to a demonic bird's lower half.

"I'm coming..." Malphas said as she neared on V's hiding spot.

The creature seemed on the verge of pouncing on V, who was concealed nearby. Nero swiftly shot at the demon, redirecting its focus, before inexplicably sneezing.

"Someone's talking about me?" Nero queried, nonchalantly wiping his nose as the Malphas locked eyes with him.

With Izuku-
Izuku and the formidable demon locked eyes, an unspoken challenge emanating between them. The devil's claws poised to strike, mirroring Izuku's readiness as his sword emanated a vivid red glow.

With a burst of malevolent energy, the demon lunged at Izuku, a maelstrom of dark magic encasing its fist. The intent was clear – to rend him asunder. Izuku sidestepped the assault with a fluid grace, propelling himself to the wall behind him. With agile precision, he pushed off the wall, hurtling towards Azaroth. A crimson trail marked his path as he zipped past the demon, grazing its face with his blade, leaving behind a superficial cut that elicited a twisted smirk from the colossal adversary.

However, this maneuver left Izuku vulnerable, and Azaroth seized the opportunity. Qliphoth roots sprang forth, aiming to ensnare him. A rapid succession of slashes dispatched the ensnaring roots, but in this split second, the behemoth descended from above, intent on a crushing stomp. Izuku's evasion came too late, the colossal weight crashing down upon him. Yet, surprise was his ally as red veins sprouted on Azaroth's leg, a precursor to a fiery eruption from beneath. The explosion singed the demon's flesh, a resolute display of Izuku's resilience.

"Barely made it," Izuku breathed, steadying himself as he summoned a guitar into his grasp.

Fingers pressing against the strings, a rhythm emerged, the notes harmonizing with his intent. The guitar shifted into lightning mode, his skilled strumming giving rise to lightning-formed bats that surged toward Azaroth with electrifying intent. The impact staggered the demon, akin to a bolt from the heavens.

Guitar morphing again, this time into fire mode, Izuku's mischievous grin was not lost on the demon. The devil's limbs ignited in spectral fire, retaliating with a blazing fury. However, an unexpected move unfolded as the ground trembled beneath Azaroth, and a torrent of lava erupted, encasing the demon in its scorching grip. The demon howled, forced to retreat from the torrent of molten fury.

With swift transition, Izuku reverted to his trusty blade, Muramasa. A piercing gaze met the demon's enraged one, the tension in the air palpable. The demon's ire couldn't eclipse its curiosity, and it voiced its astonishment.

"How dare thou attack a devil? Why dost thou inflict pain upon us demons?" The demon's question reverberated with anger.

Izuku's surprise was apparent. "Oh, he's British?" he remarked, smugness dancing in his eyes, further incensing the demon.

The tension escalated, both combatants surging forth. Azaroth's fiery tail lashed with a ferocious zeal, the spectral blaze leaving a wake of incendiary chaos.

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