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December 20

It was the six monthsary of their wedding. Rather than going somewhere, the couple decided that they will spend the night watching movies together. However, they could not decide what to watch.

"Why would you want to watch Little Mermaid?" Roseanne raised an eyebrow at her husband.

"So... once we have a daughter, it would be easier for me to tell her the mermaid's story. All little girls watched that."

"Not me." Roseanne lied before she rolled her eyes. "Okay... we are not having a daughter."

"Why not? Wouldn't it be too nice to have a little version of you?"

She widened her eyes in response. "I doubt you can handle two versions of me, Mr. Park... and please... If we have a daughter, I would not let her watch any fairytales."


"Bad influence." She crossed her legs and leaned on the comfortable chair of Park Jimin's batman cave themed theatre.

She watched the surprise flashed in her husband's eyes. "Why would you say that? Every little girl loves fairytale."

"Fairytale does not happen in real life, mister. She should know that at an early age," Roseanne said. Her words only made her husband frowned.

"So you don't want her to watched fairytales and romantic movies? What would you want her to do then?" he asked.

"I don't know." Roseanne shrugged. "I don't want her to learn those things and be dreamy about life. Reality sucks and she should know that. Maybe she should just follow you around?"

"Is this the reason why you don't want to have a daughter?"

"Hmmm." Roseanne nodded. "I want a son. Someone as handsome as you." She declared.

Park Jimin shook his head in response. "All right... let's talk about movies shall we?" he said before he poured some red wine to her empty wineglass. "You know what we should do? We should... compromised."


"Yeah... have one son and one daughter. How does that sound?" he beamed.

"Excuse me, mister, we don't even have one yet and you are already talking about a second one?" she widened her eyes and faked a surprised look.

"Then... we should work harder to have at least one as soon as possible, no? You are not getting any younger."

"Are you calling me old?"

"No... of course not... Aw... why would you hit me? I said you are matured... a beautiful mature... aw... stop it. Hey!"

December 21

"Christmas is fast approaching," Roseanne said. She had been celebrating one with her grandmother after arriving in London. Christmas is one of the most anticipated events that her grandmother had been looking forward to.

"Yeah... Shall we go to London and celebrate it in your grandma's house?" he said.

"That would be good!" she beamed as she made her head comfortable in Park Jimin's shoulders. She clutched the blanket closer to her naked chest. "I was also planning a Christmas event for the orphanage. I heard from Han Jisung that you will have an event too? Something that was organized by Lin Yoona but you are not planning to go?"

"Hmmm." He nodded. "It will be on the 24th and I already thought of celebrating Christmas with you in London a long way back. So I declined."

"Can we move it on the 23rd? Today is already the 20th. Moving it would be hard."

"If you want it then no problem." Park Jimin said. "I can always ask Jisung to coordinate with some people for the date change."


"So Christmas... What was it like with your grandmother?"

For a second, Roseanne didn't utter a word. She held her silence as she pursed her lips. "I don't know. I think my grandmother is a very mysterious woman. We had dinner and talk about work, mostly." She made a deliberate pause. "During our first Christmas together, we visited my grandfather's tomb then... she just requested me to leave and spend the day on my own. When we met, we had dinner at this very long table. With lots of candles and she gave me a gift. That's all."

"So you didn't go to a place with snow and made some snowman? Or had what was that called? Egg drink? The one on movies with milk and alcohol?"

"Eggnog?" she laughed. "Nah... my grandmother does not really like to drink wine or anything like that. She said she was allergic to alcohol."

Park Jimin only nodded before he kissed Roseanne's forehead. At his age, there are still things that he longed to do. Things that he hasn't experienced when he was young. Things that he used to dream of. And he was planning to do those things with the person that he loves the most. "Hey, do you think we could..."

"Build a snowman?" Roseanne said as she looked into his face. "Shall we go to The Island of Skopelos in Greece then? Our wedding is in a few weeks, anyway. I was planning to visit just after Christmas. I would love to..."

"Greece? In December? Why would we go to Greece?"

"Three reasons. First, there are less tourist in December. Meaning... fewer people. Second, my grandfather owns a cabin in Skopelos and third there's snow so we can make snowman's and maybe some eggnogs? I heard it was beautiful too... When I was there it wasn't snowing and I only visited the place once."

"Really? That's great! Then I will ask Han Jisung to prepare everything. I will invite him too, and maybe you can bring Lia? Let's have them stay in another cabin."

In response, Roseanne laughed and shook her head. "Wicked. Our ship hasn't sailed until now. Your matchmaking skills are just so bad."

"Good things take a long while to happen. You can't just expect to go to school today and graduate the next day, can you?"

"Make sense. Alright. I will bring her."

After a few minutes, Park Jimin got off the bed and called his secretary to arrange everything.

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