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Roseanne's face was dark as she continued to stare at the video currently playing on her tablet. It was already the tenth of August. Only ten more days before their wedding monthiversary and she was feeling very stressed and nervous.

Roseanne decided to do a pole dance for her man, but then she realized that she did not have enough time to practice. Since she does not want to embarrass herself she chose to do a strip tease instead. Roseanne was confident in her dancing abilities but she was not sure how he would take it.

What if he ravaged her before she even started to dance? With the type of lingerie that she planned to wear she was sure that the latter would become overly enthusiastic about her performance and might even rip it off before she could even sway her hips.

She needed a plan to control his level of desire and to keep him in place...

'Aha!' Roseanne's eyes shone brightly when she thought of a very good solution to her problem!


She needed to buy the best handcuffs for Park Jimin!

"Hey! What are you watching?" Park Jimin's words echoed throughout the study he'd had constructed in his apartment to serve as Roseanne's home office.

"Learn how to knock next time," Roseanne said before she switched off her tablet. How come he suddenly showed up every time she was doing research for her plans?

"I've been knocking for more than a minute already. You did not answer me so I just chose to enter without permission. What are you doing anyway? It's already ten in the evening."

"President Park is truly funny. I am a CEO. I need to be up until twelve in the evening to do my job. I am that hardworking," Roseanne said. "Unlike some other idle president in this room."

"I am not idle. I just make time in my day to be with you," he said as he approached her. "You are one lucky woman."

"Hmmm," she agreed. Park Jimin was right. He always made time to be with her. Out of nowhere Roseanne said, "By the way, I remember Kim Taehyung saying that you have a lot of paintings of me. May I see them?" Roseanne quickly diverted his attention. What would she do if Park Jimin insisted upon seeing her tablet? She would be caught in the act and it would ruin her surprise.

"Ah... downstairs," he answered before he extended his hand in invitation. "Come, let me take you to my secret lair."

In response, Roseanne give him her hand and they left the room together.


The room that Park Jimin spoke of was not that big compared to the master bedroom but the number of canvasses stored there was just... insane. Canvasses were stacked up in every corner of the room, while some paintings were displayed on the walls as if this were a gallery. Of course, most of the images on display were paintings of Roseanne. There were even images of her as a child. Some paintings were obviously very old, while some were clearly drawn from his imagination as some of the features were not that accurate.

This must be because he did not know what she looked like after the last time they saw each other, Roseanne deduced. Her lips slowly curled upwards as she approached a painting of a child at the river's edge collecting stones. It was obviously a painting of her when she was a child. Roseanne lifted her hand intending to touch the painting but Park Jimin was quick to stop her.

"You can't touch oil paintings," he reminded her .

"Oh, right," Roseanne nodded. Yeah, she had actually forgotten about this fact when she examined the painting that he had his men hang in her office. She was so engrossed in her own thoughts at the time that she failed to remember that a simple touch could ruin an oil painting. Roseanne let out a sigh.

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