My wife, My partner

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Tuesday, October 11

After arriving from Japan, Roseanne decided to go back to work on the next day.

Contrary to Roseanne's busy schedule, Park Jimin was feeling relaxed as he sat on his chair. He was reading some emails that his Vice President sent him, his hand silently drumming the table.

"President... Mr. Li Chuan is here. Shall I let him in?" Secretary Han's respectful voice echoed, earning a nod from Park Jimin. In less than a minute, Li Chuan came inside. His face sullen, deep marks appearing in between his brows.

"You killed Li Chang!" Li Chuan spat out as he stood in front of Park Jimin's table. "Why?"

His statement only earned a raised eyebrow from Park Jimin. "I presume you prefer some coffee?" he ignored the latter's outburst before he gestured Secretary Han to get them some coffee.

"Why? Roseanne agreed not to kill him! Why did you have him drink a poison that made him suffer a lot before his death?" Li Chuan gritted his teeth. His gaze was boring daggers at Park Jimin. "All of his organs are damaged! Why?"

"Feel free to take a seat." Park Jimin calmly responded as he gestured for him to take his seat.

"Stop playing games with me!" Li Chuan hissed! "What do you think will Roseanne feel once she knows?"

"Oh... how do you know that she doesn't know?" Park Jimin asked, amusement apparent in his eyes. His words instantly made Li Chuan speechless. "Now... don't make me say it again."

Li Chuan slowly balled his hand into a fist before he occupied the seat across Park Jimin. His gaze contained a mixture of fear, anger and confusion. "Why kill him?" he tried his best to calm himself as he repeated his question.

"Why not?" Park Jimin answered, his lips slowly curving up into an insidious smile. "Did you expect me to make a man who caused a lot of suffering towards my wife, survive and die of natural causes?" He chuckled.


"Stop being a hypocrite Li Chuan.  We both know what kind of pain that man made Roseanne and your son experienced. He might not have wielded the knife, but he was the one who manipulated everything. In football we call him the playmaker."

Li Chuan stared at Park Jimin smile as he swallowed his nonexistent saliva. He remembered how Roseanne said she does not want Li Chang dead. Why would Park Jimin do something that was against Roseanne's will? "What about Roseanne?" he asked.

"What about her?" Park Jimin said as he eyed Secretary Han who was bringing two cups of coffee. The duo watched as Secretary Han put the coffee on the table and gave Park Jimin a bow before leaving the office. "Do you think your daughter is dumb?" he asked.


"Seems like you have a lot of things to know about your daughter." Park Jimin lifted his cup and took a sip at his coffee. "Roseanne is not dumb. She didn't asked questions because she understood why I did it. She knows... but she does not want to talk about it."

"How... how do you know that?"

"She is my wife Mr. Li. My partner. She is an equal. She knows every little thing that I do." Park Jimin said with a gentle smile on his face. It was as if... the man didn't just talk about murder just a few seconds ago.

For some reason, the fast shift in Park Jimin's mood made Li Chuan a little disconcerted. What kind of man would give a gentle smile while talking about murder and killing just a few seconds back?

"Roseanne does not approve of murder and killing people. But that does not mean that she will do something to stop it. Li Chang's deeds are far too big to be forgiven." Park Jimin added, his gaze was unto the swirling hues of black in his cup of coffee. "As someone who experienced the cruelty of the people who he manipulated... you should already know that, right?"

"Still, the man already suffered enough. He was dying of cancer. Plus, he never hurt us directly. True, he manipulated everything, but he was already regretting it. He could not see the extent of his machinations. He gave them the knife, but it wasn't his fault they use it to stab someone else."

"Fool." Park Jimin uttered as coldness started to seep in his eyes. "Well... I won't judge you. We have different principles and I see no point in discussing people who is already dead."

"One thing is for sure though..." Park Jimin made a deliberate pause as he shifted his gaze towards Li Chuan. His gaze darkening before he continued, "I don't have the habit of giving knives to people. I am the type of person who would wield it firmly and stab them to death myself."

When Li Chuan heard Park Jimin's words, he instantly frowned at him. Does Roseanne know that she married a person like this? He opened his mouth, wanting to rebut Park Jimin's words. "Killing him doesn't make everything right," he uttered, unable to stop himself.

Park Jimin did not respond to his words as he turned his attention to the smoke arising from his coffee. Its lingering aroma assaulting his nose, prompting him to close his eyes as he thought about everything that Roseanne went through. "Your daughter was bullied while growing up. She was labelled as shameless, her mother a whore for climbing into Li Jung Wang's bed. In her early twenties, she lost our child, her mother and the family that she knew. She almost went crazy before her grandmother rescued her. Everything that had happened since she was born was orchestrated by that man."

Slowly, Park Jimin opened his eyes and stared at Li Chuan. "As the person who loved her for over fifteen years... are you telling me that I should just step back and let the culprit of her misery go?"

"Killing will not make any past deeds right..." Park Jimin added, his gaze sharp almost piercing as he looked at the man in front of him. "And so is forgiveness."

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