A true Villain

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"Are you going to see your father soon?" Park Jimin asked the moment Christopher left.

Park Jimin gave Roseanne a cup of coffee and took a seat across from her. He wore a serious expression as he waited for her response.

"I am," she nodded.

"Seeing him would bring back your unwanted memories. Are you sure you wanted to meet him?" he asked as a tinge of worry laced his voice.

"I'm sure," she confirmed as her eyes met his. "You're worried," she observed.

"A normal person would always worry about their loved ones."

"But you are not normal. You're in this fight with me, so what are you worried about? However, there's only one intention why I agree to meet Christopher, is to meet with our father. I'm just using Christopher as a bait so whether he is lying or not that's not my concern." she said.

"Spoken like a true Villain," he said as he moved to sit next to her and began kissing and nuzzling her neck.

"Every Villain is a hero in their own mind. I know I am twisted but I don't care. I already have you. After this we can travel around the world and maybe do that marrying in every country thing that you mentioned before," she giggled as she felt his hand draw circles on her hips.

"Really? You would travel with me and stop managing your company from day to day?" he asked.

"Of course not! Money is still the most important thing! I would find someone to manage it though. I mean... if Christopher is really with us then it would be good to have him manage the Anne Group. He is an Anne by blood, and just like me, he has been through a lot. He deserves to at least experience some happy things."

"How could managing a conglomerate be a happy thing? You are only passing your responsibilities on to him."

"I am not. I am just being a good sister."

Her words instantly earned a laugh from Park Jimin as he hugged her a little tighter. To the outside world, Roseanne was ruthless and decisive. It looked like she didn't care about anything other than profits. However, only he knows that she has a hard time showing her true emotions.

Park Capital

September 31, Friday

"Really?" Park Jimin's eyebrows lifted in surprise as he heard Kim Taehyung's report.

"I told you that woman was hiding something. Ahhhh... I am so frustrated! Do you know how humiliating it is for me to find this out from Roseanne's minions? I feel as if my special skills and talents are useless! How did they find out before us? We have more influence than them! Jimin ah... I think your wife is intentionally making me look like I'm useless!"

"You think she was thinking of you when she did this?" he asked.

"Ehem... that is not my point. Not my point at all. Why would she even think of me? I... You know that I am very competitive, and knowing that her men are slightly faster than me is highly infuriating. How did she do it?"

"She knew what she was looking for and specifically asked them to find it. It is that simple," Park Jimin explained.

"So she is not targeting me?"

"Why would she target you?" Park Jimin asked.

"I don't know. Who knows what is she thinking? You know... your wife's presence scares me. It's like she is this entity that watches over my every move. Jimin... just look at the way she smiles. It's as if she knows my deepest darkest secrets. Don't you think that's scary?"

"I don't know," He shrugged. "However, what I do want to know is why you keep thinking about my wife?" Park Jimin arched a brow sardonically as he waited for an answer.

"I was not."

"Yes you are."

"Well... it's only because I'm afraid of her."

"She hasn't hurt you and she never will. But I might." He narrowed his eyes at Kim Taehyung. "Aren't you afraid of me?"

"Ahhh... you two are crazy people. Crazy people!" Kim Taehyung said as he handed another folder to Park Jimin. "Roseanne is already something else and her brother is also different. Hey... did you know that he always has two of everything with him? Same color, same model? Even his shoes are the exact same pairs. It's the same with his shirts, too. Everything that belongs to him is always doubled. Do you think he has some sort of... problem here?" he pointed at his head.

"He has been through a lot. Who knows what's going on in his mind. I remembered the knives that Roseanne handed us were also of the same size and color. That should also tell you that he keeps a sets of knives with him. They will be amongst his possessions. I mean... If he knew that you were calling him crazy behind his back..." Park Jimin gave his friend a meaningful look. "If you anger him... who knows how many set of knives he has on him."

"Eh... you are scaring me. Do you think I should have my men check his things?"

"Don't do that," Park Jimin said, amused at his friend's expression. "Just work with him. I don't think he is harmful to those who are helping him." In response, Kim Taehyung let out a deep sigh.

"Anyway... I found this because of him. I can say with certainty that his skills are top notch. He exceeds every hacker that we've ever worked with before. He is also very intelligent and can remember things after seeing them only one time, but his interpersonal skills are very low." Kim Taehyung said.

"Last night, he got into a fight with one of my men. I had to break it up myself as both of them were skilled in martial arts. He was pretty difficult to deal with. I don't think the guy has any concept of how to control his anger. Once he got angry, he just attacked. He tried to kill my man. While he ended up with a broken rib, Wen broke three of his, has a broken nose and a lot of minor injuries. Christopher is pretty violent and unstable," Kim Taehyung concluded with a sigh. Kim Taehyung knows that he too is violent and unstable most of the time, but at least he can control himself.

Meanwhile Park Jimin quickly made a mental note to let Roseanne deal with this situation. She needed to talk to him and ask him about the details or there was no way that he would agree to working with someone as unstable as Christopher Li.

He also recalled Roseanne's crying face as she told him how she lost their child as they sat on that cliff right before she agreed to marry him. While what happened seven years ago molded Roseanne into the woman she is today, Park Jimin could not forget the pain that losing their child had caused her.

The trauma and nightmares that she had gone through... those were things that he would never want her experience again. He will protect her, stand beside her, and make sure that whatever happened in the past won't happen again in the future. Even if it's mean he had to interfere between brother and sister.

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