Gratitude requires sincerity

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Silence welcomed Roseanne the moment she entered the apartment. She could see Christopher sitting on the couch, his expression dark and defensive as he stared at the TV in front of him. "Do you ever wonder why Iris never complained, even when she was being treated unfairly by everyone?" he asked after Roseanne took a seat on his right.

"I did," she answered honestly. "I thought it was because she just wanted to spend more time with me."

" Our father was a coward," Christopher said as he slowly took his sweatshirt off, revealing a white V- neck tee shirt underneath. After he carefully placed the sweatshirt on the table, he looked at Roseanne intently before he continued.

"How could he just watch me getting flogged by someone without stopping them? A child, being punished severely in front of his father and the father does nothing. What kind of father would have the stomach to watch a helpless child being whipped?" Christopher shifted his gaze away from Roseanne.

Roseanne's breath hitched before she pursed her lips in an attempt to calm her nerves. She could not react and be emotional right now. She needed to be logical about everything. "Why should I believe you?" she asked.

Without saying anything, Christopher lifted his shirt as he showed his scarred back to Roseanne. Then he quickly put his shirt back down. "A pretty face who refuses to go shirtless on camera is useless in my industry. This is the reason why I only made a few films." He let out a small laugh. "Not that I cared. I never had it removed. I saw it as a reminder of how cruel people can be."

"Oh..." Roseanne was silent as she considered what he'd said, but the sight of his scarred back was stuck in the forefront of her mind. They were old scars, but judging by the intensity of the scarring, Roseanne believed that the whipping did not happen once. "Who whipped you?" she asked.

"An attendant. And everyone just watched me getting whipped without even asking why he had to do it."

"Where is the attendant now?"

"I don't know. Now I lack the resources to fight face to face against them. The attendant is still around. You could always ask your dear husband to kidnap him and make him pay back," he suggested sarcastically.

Roseanne did not answer Christopher. All of these revelations were like forks of lightning flashing through her brain. The knowledge and images were too quick and too devastating, too shocking and far too brutal. "So, you are planning to use me against them?" she asked directly.

"That was my plan, yes. That was the reason why I wanted to make you angry a while ago," he answered truthfully. "But I underestimated our DNA. It seems that we are more similar than I'd originally thought."

"What makes you say that now? What did Park Jimin say to you?" she asked. Roseanne wanted to confirm something.

"Not say... showed," he corrected. "He showed me He Lan's state and told me that the same will happen to me if I lie."

"And you believed him?"

"I didn't,." Christopher shook his head. "But I do believe in your ruthlessness."

"I am not as ruthless as you think," Roseanne said.

Seeing Roseanne just smile at him, Christopher said, "I'm not so dumb that I wouldn't realise that you orchestrated that fight earlier. Really, Roseanne? A knife? Wouldn't you care if I accidentally cut your husband's face?"

"Hmmm... Maybe you are really my brother after all," she mused.


"Oh. Did you think I would believe you just because you look like me?" She rose from her seat. "I will contact you after making sure that your words were true. See you around... Christopher Li." she said as she walked towards the door. "I will see you around."


The moment Roseanne left, Christopher instantly took a bath and started rubbing salt onto his skin. His arms turned red as he continued to rub them as if he was trying to remove something. His shower lasted for hours as he repeated the process again and again.

By the time Christopher finished his shower, it was already dark outside and his door had been repaired. He sat on his bed and stared blankly at his computer array of dual monitors as well as keyboards before letting out a huge sigh. Roseanne did not believe him, he thought before he lowered his head. He could see it in her eyes. She does not believe him.

He had underestimated Roseanne's capability and he regretted it. He should have just told her everything. He regretted thinking that she would believe whatever he told her because of his sad childhood. He had forgotten that she was his sister and not some tool that he could use for revenge.

Christopher clenched his jaw as he felt a familiar anger rising from his chest. His breathing became quicker as he tried his best to suppress himself. He ran to his bedside table and used all the strength he had to inject himself with something that could make him feel calm.

He needed to calm himself and avoid having another aggressive outburst. After sensing that his anger had subsided a little, he took a pill and swallowed it with water.

He needed to sleep. Tomorrow, he will visit Roseanne and talk to her again. Right now, she is the only one who can help him. This time... This time he will tell her everything that she needs to know and he will let Roseanne meet their father.


"After I took over the company, my grandmother asked me to focus on extending our influence internationally. Our goal was to become global. She did her best to prepare me for what was to come. And well... here I am today," Roseanne said the moment they were back in their apartment. They hadn't spoken a word since Roseanne left Christopher's apartment. Park Jimin understood Roseanne's need to absorb everything she'd heard.

"Moreover... this fight is not my grandmother's. It is mine." Roseanne continued.

"Ours," he corrected. "This fight is ours."

Roseanne instantly beamed at her husband, "Ours. This fight is indeed ours," she said as she felt her fingers being intertwined with his.

"Am I really look like an easy target,Hubby? I can't help but wonder why Christopher Li underestimated me. I mean... back then I was really clueless and stupid. He had enough reason to think that I would be the same person as he heard."

"True... underestimating you... should be his greatest mistake."

"Wrong," Roseanne shook her head. "His greatest mistake is not knowing that I had you by my side." She gave him a smug smile. Sure, Roseanne could accomplish all her plans without Park Jimin, but his support was a great boost.

"Hmmm... I don't think you are sincere enough. Gratitude requires sincerity, my dear wife," he smiled slyly.

"Does it?" Roseanne countered while raising an eyebrow. "Well then... how do you want me to show my... sincerity?"

"Aren't you smart enough to know how?" his lips lifted into a beautiful smirk as his eyes sweep the length of her neck, lingering on her lips, only to settle back on her eyes.

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