Fallen madly in love

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"I wonder what kind of dirt this guy has on Choi Yuqi," Roseanne thought out loud after Lee Jongin left. "This is practically suicide on her part. Why would she allow Lee Jongin to influence her decision?"

"That guy is a fox," Park Jimin noted. "He should be smart enough to stay away for now while waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike."

"It doesn't matter," Roseanne answered. "I don't like him."

Her words only earned a teasing smile from Park Jimin. "He is a little good-looking and he's rich too. What's not to like about him?"

"He has dime eyes.Tiny little rat-like dime eyes. His eyes are too small and evil. He is not as tall as you and his skin is tanner than that of the laziest of trust fund kids," Roseanne answered.

"Very superficial, I see," Park Jimin laughed.

"I told you my standards are high."

"Does this mean that I passed this 'very high standard' that you speak of?"

"Barely," Roseanne answered, earning a boisterous laugh from her husband. In response she rolled her eyes before drinking the remaining wine from her glass. What can she say? Roseanne has always been the type of person who loves beauties.

August 20, Saturday.

Roseanne woke up with a smile on her face. As expected, Park Jimin had prepared  breakfast for her with a few festive flowers and chocolates added with care. Simple, but Roseanne liked it a lot.

"What's  your plan for today?" Roseanne asked as an unfathomable glint flashed in her eyes.

"Something special," he answered while reaching over to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Hmmm... Let me guess? Does it involve a special dinner?"

"No," Park Jimin shook his head. "I was planning something more adventurous. Skydiving maybe? What do you think?"

Roseanne's head instantly spun towards him. "You know that I am not very good with heights. I might faint."

"Oh... then how about we ride a hot air balloon and watch the sunset together?" he asked, feeling a little depressed. He knew that Roseanne was not fond of heights, but he thought he could convince her to try something different. "Actually, I have a surprise for you but I felt that you deserve more, so I was planning to do something extra. That's why I thought we could go skydiving this weekend."

"No to a hot air balloon," Roseanne replied firmly. Watching the sunset together was fine, but anything else would only delay her plans for tonight. Roseanne's fear of heights isn't really that extreme, she just finds it uncomfortable to be in such high places.

That did not mean, however, that she would not like to go skydiving with Park Jimin. Just the thought of it is somehow made her heart a little giddy - but Roseanne still needed energy for her performance for tonight. "Let's skydive tomorrow instead," she suggested. "What do you think?"

"Alright!" Park Jimin beamed before handing her a small brown velvet box. "Here."

Roseanne instantly accepted the box and opened it. "A key?" she asked.

"Hmmm... I will take you to see it after breakfast."

"What is it? A house?"

"You are really bad at guessing things," Park Jimin chuckled. "It's a surprise."

"..." Roseanne just rolled her eyes as she continued to eat. She knew it would not be a house, maybe some storage space or a garage. She was thinking a garage would be the most reasonable thing that he could give her, but she wouldn't say that in front of him as it would only ruin his current bubbly mood.

Roseanne was not a dense woman. She immediately felt the latter's excitement when he said he wanted to go skydiving. She did not miss the hint of disappointment in his eyes when she said no, and to be honest, she hated seeing him like that. It made Roseanne a little uncomfortable.

After the couple finished their breakfast, they immediately went for a drive. And just as Roseanne initially thought, Park Jimin did give her a garage. It was an underground garage. Her Beetle was already parked inside, of course.

"Thank you," she smiled. "This is really a surprise."

"You are really bad at acting," Park Jimin noted before hugging her from behind. "Thank you," he uttered behind her ears.

"What are you thanking me for?" she asked. "I was the one who received a gift."

"I knew you knew," he answered while hugging her a little tighter. Park Jimin knew his wife. He knew that she'd already guessed what his gift would be, but she chose not to say anything to avoid ruining his mood. Two months ago, this would not be something that Roseanne would do for him. He knew that the Roseanne before would never consider his feelings. The Roseanne that he met two months ago would never compromise just to avoid ruining his excitement. But this...

Today, he felt that she was closer, a little closer to him.

"Hmmm...I can see you are becoming bolder and bolder every day. How could a husband call his wife a bad actress? Wouldn't that hurt a wife's feelings?" Roseanne diverted the topic. To be honest, a topic that involves emotions is something that she is trying to avoid.

It's not that she was in denial. In fact, she was very clear that she had already fallen madly in love with this man. This was the only explanation that she could come up with after all the compromises that she'd made, from trusting him to telling him her secrets and worries. She knew that she was already in too deep. However, she chose not to tell him this. At least not now.

"My apologies, Your Highness. Your Highness indeed has an outstanding talent for acting," he said. Roseanne could feel his hot breath against her ears.

"Since you are so kind as to call me Your Highness, I will tell you a little secret," she smiled.


"I know how to drive," Roseanne blurted. "But I am too lazy."

Her words earned another chuckle from Park Jimin. "Then just continue pretending that you don't know how to drive. So..."

"Please don't say 'so you can be my driver forever.' That would be too cheesy," she interrupted him as they both broke into laughter.

"Now, you can not only guess my gifts, but even complete my sentences?. I wonder if there is a bit of telepathy between our hearts?"

Roseanne involuntarily shivered at Park Jimin's words. "You are making me cringe, President Park. Stop being so..." Roseanne turned around to look at the man who was smiling behind her.

"So... what?"

Roseanne stared at him, "Being cute does not suit you at all."

"Ah... please don't call me cute. I would rather you call me 'mine' instead," he said in a serious tone, making Roseanne stifle a laugh.

"Alright..." Roseanne nodded as she snaked her arms around his neck. Then she rose up on her tiptoes, brushing her lips against his. "Mine," she whispered.

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