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"So she is claiming that she doesn't know?" Roseanne asked while propping her chin on her palm. She was sitting comfortably at the island in their kitchen as she listened to Kim Taehyung talk about skinning people alive while they were eating. Although Roseanne does not feel any deep disgust towards the topic, she still finds it uncomfortable to talk about something like this while eating. She glanced at Park Jimin, who was dining across from Kim Taehyung as.

The latter was also listening to his ranting.

"Yes, that woman surely wanted to get Jimin's attention! Years ago, after Jimin saved their mall, there had been rumors of her being engaged to my friend. It is obvious that her father, that Choi Huang, is the culprit. He wanted to use Jimin's name to build more connections. What a cunning old man," Kim Taehyung said before he shoveled a huge load of vegetable salad into his mouth. He must be either really hungry or really angry to act this way, Roseanne mused.

"So she wants attention," Roseanne nodded in understanding before she looked at Park Jimin. "I commend her guts. She really targeted the place where you grew up?"

"I will take care of her," Park Jimin answered.

"You'd better," Roseanne countered. "How come I still need to deal with women trying to climb into my husband's bed? I am already too tired at work, ah."

In response, Park Jimin slowly put down his fork and walked towards Roseanne. "Too tired? How about I give you a massage later?" He smiled gently before he started massaging Roseanne's shoulders.

"Oi! What are you two doing?" Kim Taehyung widened his eyes as he stared at the couple. "You two... stop. Stop this PDA in front of me. This won't make me jealous at all. I already vowed to be chaste forever and no PDA will make me change my mind!"

When Kim Taehyung saw Roseanne and Jimin just eyeing each other as they continued to ignore him, he wasn't putting up with it."We need a plan people! I know I already said that I want to kill that woman but I cannot ruin my godly reputation in front of Roseanne. If I kill that woman now, Roseanne's only thought will be that I am a psychopath dressed like an angel. I'll never get to hold my nephews," Kim Taehyung explained while giving Park Jimin a stern look.

"I thought we already had a plan?" Roseanne asked before she pointed at the nape of her neck. "Here... harder please..."

"What plan?" Kim Taehyung asked. They haven't talked about any plan at all! Did he miss something?

"Jimin already said that he will deal with her. And to be honest, I don't have the time to play chase with women who like my husband. I can't waste my time fending off all of the women who want to snatch him away from me," Roseanne said. With the issues that she is currently facing, worrying about some misguided women was the least of her concerns.

True, Roseanne is possessive and jealous - but after spending some time with Park Jimin she realized that her jealous tendencies and paranoia about being alone again would not stop the man from leaving if he wanted to.

Both of them are powerful individuals in the business world. If Park Jimin chose to cheat, Roseanne wouldn't be able to do anything to stop him. However, she also knew deep within her that this is something that he would never do.

Of course, this does not mean that Roseanne won't face slap these people. But this time, she won't be doing it with her own hands. With this in mind, she looked at Park Jimin while pointing her slim finger of blame directly at him as she built up steam. "This is because of you. I already told you to stay at home and hide your face from women. And yet, you insist on working to earn some money for me," she said, making Kim Taehyung widen his eyes again.

"Hold on, people! What is the plan? You can't just say that he will deal with her! How? Will he kill her? Anger her to death? Torture her? I want to know how?" What are these two doing? This is not how I work, thought Kim Taehyung.

Roseanne blinked her eyes at him. Then she blinked them again. Was this man serious? Roseanne slowly nodded as a realization hit her. So Kim Taehyung was Park Jimin right hand man for a reason, she thought. He must be the one doing all the dirty work behind everyone's back while Park Jimin was the one who made all the plans. Roseanne took pity on him and caved in, "Alright. Since you are so pitiful, I will help you."

"Choi Yuqi wanted Park Jimin's attention so he won't give her that. In this case, we are going to use her scheme against her. First, we will not make any movements to try and meet up with her or entertain her request for a meeting. Then we will use this opportunity to increase our popularity and reputation by moving the orphanage to another location. I have a big chunk of land from the Li Family, that should be useful. After this, we will create chaos in the media. Ruin her reputation by painting her as the evil person who wanted to develop the land the orphanage sits on while we transfer the kids to a much better location," she smiled at Kim Taehyung. "Do you get it now, Master Kim?"

"Hold on... how do you know that she will call us? What if she's waiting for our call? What if she is waiting for Han Jisung to call her and schedule for a meeting?" Kim Taehyung asked. To be honest, he was a little slow in the brains department but he's very good in art and he excels at killing! Still, it wouldn't be a wise move to underestimate him, ah.

"Jimin can solve this without needing to see her and that woman is smart enough to know this," Roseanne explained. "So what she will do is use this as an excuse to meet with Jimin under the pretense of being apologetic. She'll ask for a meeting or a coffee to talk about the orphanage and then she will try offering to sell it to him for a very low price," Kim Taehyung slowly nodded his head in comprehension after Roseanne's spoke.

"So it is like this..." Kim Taehyung said as he eyed Park Jimin, who was massaging Roseanne's shoulders. Then he shifted his gaze to Roseanne. "So how did you know all this? Do you have a spy in her office?"

"No, Master Kim..." Roseanne stifled a laugh. "Knowing things like this is what I do."

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