The Villain and The Hero

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"Do you want to know what I will do with He Lan?" Park Jimin asked.

"No." Roseanne answered. "Do what you want to do."

"Hmmmm...." He nodded, his gaze unfathomable. He already told Kim Taehyung to keep He Lan alive as long as he could before Park Jimin will start giving her a dose of what she deserves.

He felt Roseanne's breathing slow down before falling into a continuous rhythm. She must have been too tired, he thought as he slowly shifted his body to make Roseanne a little more comfortable. After almost an hour drive, They finally arrived in Lotte. He chose not to wake her up and carried her into their apartment. Then he slowly laid her down on their bed and changed her clothes.

After making sure that Roseanne is lying comfortably , Park Jimin silently kissed her forehead before he made his way into his study. Then he got his phone that was stored in his secret vault and dialed a number.

"Give me an update." He said the moment, the person on the line answered.

"Li Jung Wang made Tang Ling see two producers and she has slept with both of them." The other person responded. "Li Jung Wang has also been acting suspicious and is always alone in his study. My guess is he is talking to someone. However, I was not able to trace any activity from his phone. He could be using a satellite phone or something disposable."

"Li Yeonjun?" Park Jimin asked after a few seconds.

"He is a devious businessman. He already acquired all the approval of the clients and he might even contend with the CEO position against his father. He does not know that the Li Industries owe the madam a huge amount of money as he was too busy building his connections. This should be because of Tang Ling's advice. He is also getting closer to Kang Daniel and Li Jihyo."

Those words instantly made Park Jimin scoff. "My wife has been too soft. That Kang Daniel... is too idle. Create some trouble for him."

"What kind of trouble?"

"A deadly one." Park Jimin uttered, his voice cold as his gaze was glued to the framed picture of Roseanne in front of him.

Park Jimin is the type of person who would rather stab his enemies up front rather than give them the chance to strike back at him. He would act quickly, not out of laziness or stupidity but because he would rather use his brain to grow his business instead of wasting it on such trivial things.

However, Roseanne's case was always the exception. When Roseanne disappeared years ago, Park Jimin made Li Jung Wang and his family suffer not because he enjoyed it, but because deep down he had always believed that they deserved it. He always suspected the Li Family was behind Roseanne's disappearance and he felt that making them suffer until their last breath would be the only thing that would satisfy his thirst for revenge.

Together with Kim Taehyung, Park Jimin had schemed against the Li family for absolute ages. The pair dabbled in everything from sabotaging Li Industries to planting spies to monitor each and every move that Li Jung Wang and Tang Ling made. However, these attacks stopped after he found Roseanne. Park Jimin was not unreasonable. He knew that Roseanne had her own plans when she arrived. He could sense it from the way she smiled at the mere mention of her family.

This made him take a step back. He assisted Roseanne in completing her plans by supporting her from behind closed doors. He knew that she had come prepared and he was always willing to give her the stage, but... tonight? Tonight was different.

Park Jimin and Roseanne's unborn child was a different matter. He would not just stand there and act like a bystander while watching his own wife deal with the people who had caused her misfortune. Tonight, Park Jimin decided that it was time for him to step up. Not to outshine his wife, but to amplify the effects of her plans.


"Anyway... your daughter will live," Kim Taehyung said, his expression serious as he looked at He Lan. "We decided to put her in a white room. As a doctor you already know what will happen to her, right?"

This words instantly made He Lan widen her eyes. For a moment, she had forgotten that this man was actually Roseanne and Park Jimin's accomplice. His personality might be a bit peculiar but this did not change the fact that he was still on the side of those ruthless people.

White room.

This was a very ruthless torture method that was known to be used by the CIA and othermoral-free organizations. The purpose of this torture was not to kill someone. Rather, this torture was designed to make someone slowly lose their mind. Just as the name implied, this torture involved putting a person in a room or cell with completely white walls, bedsheets, door, lights...everything inside the room was white. The prisoner would be given white tasteless rice in a white paper towel, white clothes and would be confined to a completely silent room. The purpose was to deprive the prisoner of using their senses.

This method was known to change the mindset of prisoners without even touching them, inducing hallucinations and making them crazy.

A single tear made its way down He Lan's face as she continued to think about her poor daughter. This torture was made to make the prisoner's sanity slip away. "She is innocent. Why do this? She did not hurt anyone. Please... you can hurt me. Make me suffer. You can cut me a thousand times and I would not even complain. Just please... let my daughter go," she begged. Choi Yuqi never hurt Roseanne or Park Jimin. How could they be so ruthless?

"Ah... the sound of someone begging always makes me a little giddy." Kim Taehyung smiled. "Why don't you do it again?"

"Please... Just please... let her go. She had nothing to do with this," she repeated. In return, Kim Taehyung only gave her a smile.

"We are all innocent in someone's eyes," he uttered. "The line between the villain and the hero is absolutely thin. Of course, from our own perspective, we are always the heroes. The protagonist in our own story, when actually..." Kim Taehyung tilted his head as he paused dramatically. He stared at He Lan for a few minutes before he continued, "In this world, there is no good or evil, there is no black or white. There are only our choices and the grays."

Kim Taehyung instantly scoffed. "My boss told me to keep you alive, so if you refuse to eat... I would have to force-feed you feces," he chuckled. "Alright..." He turned towards the man and instructed, "Do it fast. I still need to sleep." He then left the room without sparing He Lan another glance.

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