
"No, I am not."

"Yes, you are."

"Let's go! I'm so excited for you guys!" Mrs. Rivera comes out, holding her belly.

Sage and I climb in the backseat as Elijah sits in the passenger seat next to his mom.

"You guys got everything?"

"Yes ma'am. I made Sage and I triple-check everything," I explain.

"More like a million times. She gets so annoying every time we pack, Mrs. Rivera."

"Excuse me for making sure you're prepared."

"Excuse me for making sure you're prepared," Sage mocks me in a high-pitched voice.

I glare at him before rolling my eyes.

Mrs. Rivera laughs. "Alright then, let's go."

The airport is about an hour away so I relax into my seat and lean my head back, looking out the window.

"Do you kids like Taylor Swift? I love her, do you mind if I play some of her music?"

I smile to myself. "Anything you like, Mrs. Rivera."

"Yes!" Sage exclaims. He likes anything at this point.

About thirty minutes into the trip, I open my purse and grab the motion sickness patches. Peeling them off the plastic sheet, I stick one behind each ear.

I really hope this works.

I glance up and notice Elijah watching me from the rearview mirror. As soon as he catches my eye, he looks away and out his window.

I furrow my brows and stare out my own window.

Mrs. Rivera pulls up to the drop-off part of the airport and we all get out. I watch Elijah as he unloads the suitcases out of the trunk like it's the easiest job in the world.

He rolls mine over to me and I quickly thank him before turning around to stare at the building.

I've never been to an airport before.

"You'll be okay." Elijah throws his arm around me.

Mr. 'Valedictorian' can kiss my ass.

"Bye, Mrs. Rivera. Thank you for driving us," Sage says from behind me.

I brush Elijah off and go up to his mom. "Yes, thank you so much."

"No problem. I am so excited for you guys. Have the most fun and send so many pictures." She claps.

The corners of my mouth turn up as I pull my suitcase up to the sidewalk.

Elijah says goodbye to his mom and she pulls him into a giant hug.

A sad smile clouds my lips. They have such a good relationship, it's cute.

I wish things were different between my mom and me. It's nobody's fault really. She could've been a better mother and I could've been a better daughter.

"Ready?" Elijah says, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I nod and we all roll our luggage inside. Sage and I freeze, looking around. It's huge. Holy crap.

I see Mr. Know-It-All look over at us as he laughs. "It'll get less intimidating after we go through security and stuff."

"You guys have passports right?"

I nod. "I made us get one at the start of senior year just for the trip."

"I don't know why, we never go anywhere," Sage grumbles.

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