Me: You're very annoying, you know that right?

Sebastian: Clearly not too annoying enough for you not to kiss...

After feeling my second wave of embarrassment wash through me, I decided Sebastian was having a bit too much fun at my expense and I had to put an end to this.

Me: Goodnight, Sebastian.

Sebastian: Goodnight, Brooks xx

Ignoring the way my heart jumped at the kisses he left on his message, I put my phone gently on the nightstand before turning over to get ready for sleep.

As I wrapped myself tighter under the covers, I took two long deep breaths, and willed sleep to take me. And as my mind did a final replay over the events of tonight, I knew no amount of willingness would erase the problems created tonight. I truly was in deep shit.


The second the bell rang for lunch; I threw a nervous look towards where Sebastian sat on the other end of the room before hurling my books in my bag and jumping out of my seat. I had successfully managed to avoid Sebastian all day so far and I was trying to keep it that way. After what happened yesterday, I had come to the simple conclusion that I was simply going to have to avoid Sebastian for the rest of my life. Was that reasonable considering one, his sister was literally dating my brother, and two we went to the same school? No definitely not. But it was the only option I had.

Seeing Sebastian's eyes drift my way from the corner of my eyes, I speed walked quickly toward the direction of the classroom door. I could just tell by the way he was constantly looking at me in class that he wanted to talk to me but that sure as hell wasn't happening on my watch. For at least a week I was vowing not to talk, touch or even directly look at Sebastian.

That would hopefully give me enough time to either a, convince Ava to stop liking Sebastian or b, convince myself to no longer like Sebastian.

With a determined pace, I marched my way down the corridor, planning to take a seat outside for lunch today. I definitely wasn't sitting in the cafeteria today, knowing that it would make me an easy target for him to talk to.

Just as I got inches away from reaching the double doors, somebody suddenly enlaced their hand with mine and tugged me backward. I stumbled back in surprise and before I knew it, I was suddenly being pulled into what I'm pretty sure was an empty supply closet.

As darkness encased me, the person suddenly spun me around sharply before pushing me against the wall causing my heart to race. The automatic light then suddenly turned itself on and I was met with the sight of Sebastian's two dark brown eyes and smiling lips.


I never got to finish my sentence before his lips suddenly crashed down on mine, silencing me. My words were muffled into a groan of surprise against his lips as he started kissing me. The moment his hands slid down to caress my hips, I briefly forgot all logic and wrapped my arms around him, and started kissing him back. 

As I bawled his shirt into fists in my hand and tugged him closer to me, Sebastian let out a low groan at the base of his throat and started kissing me with more desperation. The pleasurable knot in my stomach returned at full force, as his hands continued feeling their way up and down my body.

The moment I felt the chill of his hands reaching under my shirt, did logic finally arrive in my brain and slap me around my face.

Springing my eyes open, I put both hands on his chest and ripped him away from me. "No, no, that's enough," I stammered out quickly.

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