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Luke's POV

I woke up with a massive head ache and both arm and back pain.

I was on the floor, with Alex's head on my arm, looking as peaceful as ever. Her make up was kinda smeared and she was in a sports bra and some really tight black mini shorts. Her ass was so noticeable in those. Damn.

I was about to shake her awake, so I could move my arm, since it was sore and asleep. But she already began to squirm awake.

"My neck hurts." she yawned and sat up, stretching her arms in the air. She looked so cute, like a kitten. No wait, that's Michael. Her hair was still curled but they were messy and she looked fucking fabulous.

"My back and arm are aching." I gave her a knowing smile.

"Sorry." she innocently smiled back. "How did we end up on the floor anyways?"

"I have no clue," I scratched my head, "does your head hurt too?"

"Nope, that's just you, buddy." she patted my thigh and she got up. "You drank a lot last night. It was kinda funny seeing you so hammered." She laughed and walked into the kitchen.

I heard her fill a cup with water and heard the rattling of pills in its container. She walked back to me and sat down again, handing me he water and pills.

"Thanks" I smiled and drank it.

"So hey! We're in summer break already huh." she cheered.

"Oh yeah huh. wasn't the party in celebration for summer break?" I chuckled.

"Who knows. Are you going anywhere or doing anything cool. " she fiddled with her thumbs.

"Nope, staying here the whole time, you?"

"Same. I've got nothing and I'm glad my mother hadn't tried to reach me to be honest." She laughed.

There was a short awkward silence, and I heard the vibration of my phone, coming from inside my jeans. By the door. I groaned and got up.

"Michael wants to have breakfast." I informed.

"What? Me too?" She questioned from down on the floor.

"Yeah you too!" My voice squeaked as I yelled in a preppy manner. Gross.

"Do I have too." she fell back. I walked towards her and hovered over her.

"Yes you have too." I pecked her lips.

"And why is that, hemmings." she placed her on my face trying to push my face back.

"Because I said so, and I'm going to be there. "I tried leaning down to kiss her again.

"Okay okay I'll get ready." she giggled and let my face go.

When she made no effort to get up, I nuzzled my face in her neck and began biting her. She began to laugh uncontrollably and tried to kick me off of her.

"Luke, stop it." She laughed "seriously you're gonna get hurt." "okay okay I'm getting up." she said all that in between laughs. I pulled away and got up. Giggling like a high school girl, as I ran to the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and I was already naked when I decided to wrap a towel around my waist and go out.

I saw Alex on her phone, sat criss crossed. I cleared my throat loudly and she turned to look at me.

"Why don't we save a bit of water, eh." I winked at her and a smug grin was spread on both of our mouths.

"Sure." she smiled and ran inside the bathroom, locking me out in just a towel.


"You should go take a seat with cal, we'll order for you guys." Michael told Alex. She nodded and strutted her way to the table Calum was sat at.

"She's so hot." I confessed.

"Quite drooling, lover boy." He smacked my chest. "What's up with you and her anyways? Do you like her or something. "

"I actually do. To be honest, I like her a lot. but I want to fuck her sooo bad too."

"You see, you'd be able to fuck her all you want if you dated her, but too bad it'll ruin you." Michael laughed.

"I still don't get that shit, how is dating someone going to fuck me up though." Ugh I hate having reputations. "If anything, dating someone would just make me look better."

"Just be friends with benefits." The line we stood in moved a bit more. "It'll keep your reputation under control and you can have all the fun you want with her."

"She doesn't mess with that. And I actually like her, though."

"Do whatever you want, but I also want her." He emphasized the 'I'.
"What the fuck?" I squinted. "You had your chance with her, and she clearly didn't want you, she wants me. She told me. So back the fuck off. And don't talk about her like she's an object. "

"You think that little lecture will make me stay away? You're the one with a reputation. Not me. People could care less of what I do. Unlike you, you'd get judged by every single person on this campus." He poked my chest on the last 5 words. I flicked his hand away.

"Well maybe I don't even care about my reputation anymore. Screw that. If I want her, I'll get her. " I said loudly. People stared but thank god she didn't hear.

"Whatever man." He chuckled and we finally got to the front to say our orders and we went back to sit with them.

I sat besides alex, of course and Michael was right across from me. I couldn't help but glare at him. He's such a dick, I swear.

"So if you want me you'll have me, huh." Alex leans in and whispered. She wasn't making eye contact.

"What?" I furrowed my eye brows.

"I heard Luke." She sighed. "I don't know whether I should be happy or mad."

"What did you hear?" I asked. It sounded like a dumb question but total seriousness right now.

"Everything. You guys suck at 'talking'." She laughed lightly. She stared down. "We'll talk more later. I'm going to pretend nothing happened for now. "

"O-okay." I stuttered. A lady brought our breakfast and we all ate in silence. Calum was the only one trying to make conversation and he was so clueless as too what just happened. Alexis and I spoke up every now and then.

Once we were done, we split of and Alex and I went back to our dorms.

Yay! Update really really early ((:
Sorry for any mistakes.
I thought this was a pretty good update, I'm quite proud. Thanks for reading and voting «3 you guys should comment some feedback and what you think hmm *smirking emoji* la u guys bye bye. It is 12:30 currently and I'm wide awake. But night night luvssss

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