Before we left I gave Quinn and Hug and she Fangirled about how much it was awesome to meet me. It made me smile that I finally have met someone in person who likes me and my friends music. We exchanged social medias and I waved her bye. I enjoyed hanging out with her, she's super funny and I love her laugh! As we went up the floors and got back to my hotel room I looked at my American friend. "Thank you for this, I enjoyed this so much!" I thanked him, he brushed his hands through his dark brown locks. "I'm really glad you enjoyed it, I had the best time of my life!"

He then kissed my cheek and held my hand tightly. "Goodnight, I can't wait to see you preform tomorrow" he softly spoke as he kissed my hand and ran off with a big goofy smile. My face was red and I smiled as I waved back at him. I opened the door to the hotel room and saw my producer sitting on one of the beds watching TV. "Welcome back Wilbur, how was it?" He asked me, pausing his show. I walked past his bed and threw my wallet and phone onto my bed as I looked out the window on the bright city lights and huge billboards.
"Magical" I said turning to him with a big smile, he got up and looked out the window, me turning back to look too. He placed a hand on my shoulder and chuckled "I'm glad Wil, I really am" he said "do you think me and my band can do a show in new York?" I asked looking at him. "If you guys want that, then I'm sure I can arrange something, just has to be good with their parents" he explained to me. I jumped and hugged him tightly "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!"

"No problem wil.. Now show me pictures from today! I know you took some!" He laughed, I dashed for my phone as he commented on how much he liked the hoodie and beanie I got.

After showing him everything from today and him ordering some food to our room, we were off to bed and the excitement of seeing Schlatt tomorrow made it hard for me to sleep..


As I Walked into the venue my heart almost sank. Seeing the stands and how high the ceiling was, seeing the stage I was meant to stand on. He wasn't kidding when he said this was the biggest venue I would perform at yet.


Voices of all tones and pitches filled the venue as Everyone made their way to their seats. As I peaked out the curtain my anxiety filled my chest. It always amazes and somewhat scares me how many people want to see my 14 year old ass sing on stage. Sweating, twitching and pacing was my backstage experience. "You usually are not this nervous Wilbur, what's wrong?" My producer asked. "The size of stage, the size of the venue, the amount of people and the fact that he is here.." I mumbled out "he'll love it, now get out there and knock their socks off!!" He encouraged me, I took a deep breathe and nodded. Sitting at the piano, the curtains moved.

Schlatt POV:

Wilbur wasn't kidding when he said I would get a good seat. I'm on the lowest level of balcony's and was by myself since my parents couldn't come. I don't own much formal clothing so I was wearing black corduroy jeans and a black button up. Walking in with my appearance and skateboard for me some stares but as soon as I showed my ticket I was escorted to my seat and those people looked stunned. As the lights dimmed and the curtain moved and I sat up better and rested my head on my hands as I looked down on the stage. I was on the side behind the piano so I got a perfect view of his gorgeous face.. I mean uh.. his face.. I'm— I'm not gay!

I watched as the curtain uncovered his face and he took a deep breathe, i then noticed on top of the piano was his beanie from yesterday and a rose. Confused I brushed it off and re focused as his hands hit the tiles and the sound echoed throughout the venue. My heart almost came up my throat when I heard his voice. Obviously I have heard him sing in recordings I have found online and I listen to his bands albums all the time but.. it's so surreal in person..


A couple songs has gone by and he was now on the last song for the night, I hurt that he would be gone after tonight and we would be back to FaceTimes and Snapchat.. but I brushed it off and awaited his voice. That's when he took the mic and look towards the crowd instead of his piano. "Hello New York, It's my first time here and I must say that this place is surreal to me.." he began "what is even more surreal is meeting my bestfriend of four years in person for the first time.. and this song will be dedicated to him." He spoke proudly as the full venue clapped. That's when we looked at me in the eye directly, mic back on the stand and his hands hit the keys of the piano once again.

The song played on, him describing every aspect of me..

'Eyes as dark as the night skye"

'Brown locks put brunettes to shame'

'A voice that makes angels sing'

'Lips so kissable it's almost unreal'

While his descriptions of me were cheesy and somewhat cliché.. the last one caught me off guard as my face turned red. Is this a love song? I thought to myself.

His voice was euphoric to hear, as if my soul was being blessed. The spotlight his his face in a way he sparkled. His eyes never left me.. my eyes never left him.. every word he sang was pure and the smile he had through it was beautiful. The song ended seamlessly and while the song as around 4min, It felt to short to me. I just want to hear his voice longer..

Everyone clapped Including me as I wiped my tears from my eyes. I then felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped but then saw a familiar man, Wilbur's producer. "Hello Johnathan, sorry to startle you.. Wilbur wants to see you backstage" he smiled at me. I grabbed my skateboard and followed the older gentleman.

As we went through one last door, I saw him. I dropped my Board on the ground and rushed to him, he almost fell but caught himself as he hugged back. "Sorry if that was cheesy and bad, I-I spent a lot of time writing it but I don't think any words can resemble how much I like you..Shit! That was not meant to be my proper confession im so so sorr-" I cut off his ramble but grabbing his jaw and slamming his lips to mine, startled but he melted and kiss back, holding my hands on his face. We kissed for so long in felt like hours but I never wanted to pull away..

Wilbur POV:

He pulled away from me but left his hands on my jaw. "I love you too.." His eyes were wide and full of tears but his cheeks were flushed and his smile never disappeared. "You two can head back to the hotel room, i have to talk with a couple of people" my producer interrupted. We both look at each other and smiled as we let our foreheads hit each other's. I'm so happy to have him in my life❤️

2090 words

This kinda sucks but the idea i think is really cute!!

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