Chapter 62; Sans's Middle School Experience

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Sans jolted awake. It was maybe two, two and a half months since he was taken to this world. He didn't believe he'd been there that long, but the tally mark and the calendar Mrs. Ichika was kind enough to give him said otherwise. He missed his brother. He missed his father. He missed his friends. He missed Grillby.

Regardless of all that, he would be forever grateful to the Kirishima family for letting him stay in their home. Grateful for them giving him enough food to have a full stomach. Grateful to Eijirou for sharing his room. The Kirishima household wasn't extravagant, despite Mrs. Ichika's massive income. It was a small two story house with two bedrooms, a lab, and a bathroom on the top floor, a kitchen/dining room, living room/lounge, and a bathroom on the ground floor, a basement/laundry room, and an attic/storage space.

Their house was small, but it was one of the warmest homes Sans had ever been in. He didn't want a bed. He slept in a sleeping bag with a couple of blankets on the floor next to Eijirou's bed. He didn't plan to intrude for very long, so there was no need to have a bed.

Sans woke up because of a nightmare. He kept seeing Papyrus pulling at his scarf to try and pull him back to the ground. Only to wake up when he was sucked through the vortex.

Eijirou - "Sans? Are you okay?"

Sans - "I'm fine."

Eijirou - "Was it that dream again?"

Sans - "Dreams are good. Nightmares are bad. Night-terrors are...something else."

Eijirou - "Did you have that nightmare again?"

Sans - "Yeah. Sorry for waking you up."

Eijirou - "You didn't. I was on my phone."

In the short time Sans knew Eijirou, he knew how bad a liar he was. The sleep was clear in his voice and his eyes were lidded.

Sans - "You have to be up soon for school anyway. Let's go make breakfast for your moms."

Eijirou - "Okay. I'll get in the shower and get dressed."

Sans - "Use the downstairs bathroom. We don't want to wake your moms."

Eijirou - "Okay."

Sans got Eijirou's uniform ready and sent the still sleep ridden Eijirou downstairs. He didn't know any Japanese recipes, but he had some of Grillby's memorized. So he made green chili and cheddar omelets, choco-milk, strong coffee, and sausage stars...Grillby would cut his water sausages into stars, his toast into flowers, and his fruit like planets. He missed Grillby.

Natsumi - "Damn it smells good in here."

Ichika - "Nats, language."

Sans - "Morning ladies. I made food."

Ichika - "Screw food, gimme that coffee."

Natsumi snickered and gave her exhausted wife a cup with no sugar and no milk.

Natsumi - "There you go my beautiful wife. Black, just like your soul."

Sans - "Her soul ain't black. It's dark green."

Sans drank his extra chocolate choco-milk and pulled Ichika's soul from her chest. Like he said, Ichika's soul was dark green and very bright.

"It's a Beautiful Day Outside...Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt