Chapter 1: The Portal *REVISED*

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Sans laughed at his joke while Papyrus raged on how he should stop making jokes and patrol more. Gaster walked behind his two sons smiling and writing in an old and waterlogged notebook. The joke Sans made was lost to time, but he could never forget what happened next...

"Sans! Look out!"

The fear and panic in his little brother's voice made Sans turn around. A wormhole-thing opened up near Grillby's. Said fire elemental was holding onto his bar door holding a couple of his patrons to the ground. Gaster was holding back Papyrus and more Snowdin residents back with bones. The vortex-like winds had already lifted him off the ground before his dad or brother could reach him. He could feel himself being slowly pulled toward the portal.


"p-papyrus, dad! help me!"

Sans tried to use a shortcut, a blaster, anything to help him get away, but something was interfering with his magic. His magic was completely useless to him now.

Papyrus could hear every ounce of the panic and distress from his older brother, and it scared him endlessly. He rushed to help Sans, hurriedly bypassing his father's outstretched hand. He grabbed Sans's hand, and caught the edge of his jacket sleeve. His other hand was firmly wrapped around one of Undyne's spears. Said spear was lodged in the ground, unwavering.

For a brief second, Sans had hope. Hope in his brother and hope in that spear. A loud ripping came from his sleeve where Papyrus's phalanges gripped it. The more his sleeve ripped, the more scared he became. After a few more seconds, the inevitable happened.

His sleeve ripped completely.

He grabbed at Papyrus's clothing, trying to keep himself grounded. He managed to snag Papyrus's scarf, but it was a futile effort. He was sucked into the portal thing with Papyrus's scarf clutched close to his chest. Flashing rings of blue and white came and went at impossibly fast speeds. The speed was making him nauseous and he felt his lunch coming up. Blinding pains coursed through each and every one of his bones and joints. He felt terrible pains before, one of the worst being from GENECIDE ROUTES from Frisk and Chara, but this...This was horrible. The worst pains he ever felt in, probably, his whole life.


The wormhole opened back up and he felt himself land in a head of metal and trash. Shakily standing up, he took in his surroundings. It looked to be a back alley and he fell into a couple of trash cans and trash bags. He had a massive migraine pounding away in his skull. He wrapped Papyrus's scarf around his neck, not wanting it to escape him.

"Hello? Hey man, are you okay?"

Sans jerked his head up and made eye contact with a human boy with red eyes and black hair. Sans immediately concluded he was on the surface. Maybe human sorcerers wanted to summon some monsters to the surface for fights?

He ran down the alley, not prepared mentally or physically to deal with a human. His magic was completely drained. He couldn't use any of his magic but it was all gone regardless. His dad's annoying voice flooded his mind, but he was glad it did.

~"Sans, there will be times when you won't be able to rely on your magic. In those times, the best choice you have is to flee. Run away to live and fight another day. Wait for me and your brother and we'll fight as a family."

So that is exactly what Sans did. Sans booked it down the alley. He won't be able to wait for his dad and bro, but he could recuperate his losses. The human ran after him and caught up to the unathletic skeleton with ease. Sans felt tired, more than he usually did. He fell face first into the pavement under him. His nasal cavity felt...strange.

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