Chapter 51; Happy Birthday Sans

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Sans woke up with an annoying feeling of deja vu. For once, he was glad he didn't remember his dream. He quickly noticed that Eijirou wasn't in bed. In fact it was made. The covers and sheets were neatly pressed to the bed like you'd expect from military personnel. Red flag number one, Eijirou doesn't make his bed unless relatives are coming over. Sans quickly got out of bed and made it, not as nice as Eijirou's, but enough to pass Ichika's strict inspection process.

He decided to wear his glasses instead of his contact lenses with a dark blue turtleneck, black sweatpants, and his obnoxiously bright pink sneakers. His optometrist and Ichika both scolded him for wearing his contacts too much. It was irritating his human eyes. When he was a skeleton his magic did something like echolocation and he didn't need stupid glasses. They looked fine on Ichika, but he looked like a nerd.

He then found a note left on their shared homework desk. It was a fairly nice, and large wooden desk with a removable divider in the center. Red flag number two, Eijirou doesn't leave notes, he prefers to leave a voicemail or text.

'Hey bro! Mina invited me to a day out! Meet us at the new UA third year hang out space after 5! Love you bro cya later!'

"Ironic. That place is where I ended up when I had that RESET memory nightmare. What is Eijirou scheming...Nats might know."

A sharp meow cut through Sans as he spun his head toward the open window. Mayo blinked her large blue eyes lazily. She grew quite a bit during the time Sans had her. She was an outdoor-indoor cat and loved to sunbathe and nap in the yard. She loved to sleep on top of Sans, but she was a large girl now. Just barely smaller than a border collie, so she was too big to ride on his shoulders, but a large cat harness ensures she won't be taken from him.

"Hey Mayo. Wanna go to the park?"

She jumped on his bed and then at his chest, effectively knocking them both to the ground. Sans laughed as he heaved his baby girl off his chest and summoned her harness and a cleaner collar.

"For a cat with pretty white fur, you sure like mud. I should've named you Gravy."

Sans laughed as he hefted Mayo into his arms and into the bathroom.

"Time for a bath Mayo."

Mayo did not like baths. She loved the rain, but she hated baths. Thankfully the most she could do was growl and hiss. She never bit him and she doesn't have the claws to scratch him.

"It's almost over Mayo! Stop moving!"


Mina - "Grillby! How's the food looking?"

Grillby - "Worry not, it is coming together perfectly."

Mina - "Great. Kami, Sero, Ojiro! How are the decorations?"

Sero had accidentally strung up Kaminari and Ojiro was trying to get him down safely.

Mina - "Not even gonna ask. Bakugo, Eiji! How is the present table?"

Eijirou - "Awesomely!"

Bakugo - "'Tch, Richter won't know what hit him!"

Mina - "Love the energy! Bakugo go help the decoration squad! Miss Natsumi and Miss Alphys, how is the guest list?"

Alphys - "I-its go-going swimming-ingly!"

Natsumi - "Yup! No troublemakers except the birthday boy and his boyfriend!"

Bakugo - "HAH?!"

Mina - "Calm your tits Blasty! Miss Ichika and Miss Undyne, how's the music and games?"

&quot;It's a Beautiful Day Outside...Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum