Chapter 7; Attack *REVISED*

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Sans hung off of Eijirou's back loosely. He stayed on his back purely because of Eijirou's tight grip on him. He took Sans from Bakugo when Aizawa was done interrogating him.

"Ok class. Kirishima, wake Gaster up."

Sans, now standing on his feet, struggled to listen to Aizawa. He was thankful Eijirou was helping him walk with the others. Sans saw Aizawa and a person in a marshmellow looking suit on edge and in fighting stances. That made him wake up real in record speed.

"Those are real villains!"

Sans couldn't believe it. Real villains had some serious cojones to invade a hero sanctioned area with actual heroes present. Stuffing his shaky hands into his pockets, Sans watched in awe as their teacher went ham on the thugs. Sans was being pushed toward the exit, but a purple misty guy blocked the path.


Eijirou and Bakugo leapt at the purple mist, but everyone around him was sent to different areas. Sans was on a mud covered hill. He quickly took a shortcut back to Aizawa, but saw him being beaten by a large disgusting creature with an exposed brain.

"W-what the hell?"

Sans tried to grab the thing's soul, but the creature's soul wasn't normal. It looked like it was stitched up. Like multiple people's souls were torn apart and only a couple of pieces were stitched together. His stomach lurched. He was going to be sick.


Aizawa was yelling at him.

"Gaster, get out of here!"

"T-that thing. It isn't normal! What happened to its soul?!"

A large and menacing Gaster Blaster appeared behind Sans, shooting a large beam at the creature. Aizawa was freed, but couldn't move. Running to him and grabbing him, Sans shortcutted into a tree.

"Stay here Sensei. I'll take it from here. Hold onto this for me."

Sans gave Aizawa his scarf and shortcutted back to the field. The creature was nowhere to be seen. Until he was hit in the side and sent flying. The creature stood there, not even fazed by Sans's attack.

Sans's eye glowed a menacing bright blue, but he noticed Midoriya, Tsu, and Mineta behind a rock. He had to be careful not to hurt them. Bones sprouted from the ground, impaling the creature at all angles. The creature broke through and started healing himself. A Gaster blaster appeared again and shot small, but calculated strikes at the creature.

"Sans! Aim for the brain!"

A bone launched Sans at the creature, a sharpened bone in hand. The sharpened bone stabbed through the creature's brain, stopping his regenerative process. Dropping the blood covered bone, Sans felt dizzy. He could feel wind rushing around his head as he waited for the ground to meet him halfway. Strong, warm arms caught him before that. When did he start falling? What was even going on? Why was he so sore?

"Rest now brother. You've earned it."

Where had he heard that voice before? He can deal with it when he wakes up. Right now he just wanted to sleep.


A man with skin and hair, just as white as Sans, black sclerae, pale white eyelights, an orange hoodie, sage green sweatpants, and a freakishly tall height, held Sans's unconscious body close to him. Aizawa eyed the man with caution.

He appeared from nowhere, from a ring of bright orange and tar-like sparks, only to prevent Sans from hitting his head on the ground. He held Sans with such care that Aizawa knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was Sans's family. The similar appearance was the only confirmation he needed. The rest of the class made it back to the field and they all mistook the new person for a villain. The new person raised his arm and was surrounded by a bone cage. Kirishima pushed his way through.

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