2nd QnA //Answers//

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Eijirou - Hey there and welcome back to the second QnA! We're your hosts today, Kirishima Eijirou!

Sans - And Sans. Thanks for your questions and your curiosity. Without much delay, let's get into the questions.


Q. For Katsuki and Eijirou: If things don't turn out, and Sans had to go back to his old home, would you follow? Sent in by SpiritWolfNura.

Eijirou - That's a hard question. On one hand, I can't just abandon my bro. I mean, we've been through so much in just two and a half years! And I'd love to see his hometown, but I don't think I can do that at the expense of my moms and Mina, as well as my other friends. So, if it wasn't a one way trip, I'd definitely go!

Katsuki - Sure I'd go with him. I'm not leaving him to be in some different world without me.


Q. For Papyrus: Do you ever have doubts about your little friend? Sent in by SpiritWolfNura

Papyrus - Never! Chlo is a Monster who knows good from evil. She would know when someone needs to be taught a lesson. =)


Q. For Ichika: I asked a question on the last QnA, it was about your research, if you could tell us about it. Do you share your research with Sans? Sent in by potatoreak

Ichika - Sans actually asked me not to tell him the progress I make. Ever since Nezu found out, he's been helping my research progress. I can't share anymore than that about the subject sweetie.


Q. For Papyrus: Hey, since your and Sans's father is a scientist, do you know anything about science? Sent in by potatoreak

Papyrus: No, I watched him work once, but got so bored I ended up breaking some important vials. I'm...not allowed into the lab again.


Q. For Hizashi: What do you think of Sans's brother, Papyrus? Sent in by potatoreak

Hizashi - He's an okay dude I guess. He's a little on the creepy side though. Very mixed feelings about him.


Q. For Mina: Why did you choose Pinky as your hero name? Why not go for something more creative? Sent in by potatoreak

Mina - I tried! I wanted Alien Queen, but Midnight said that it was a terrible idea. Pinky was a fun and on-the-nose idea, so I ran with it!


Q. For Bakubro: What would happen if you met different versions of your bf? Sent in by Creative-Blue-Shack5

Katsuki - The fuck are you talking about? Different versions, like an alternate universe? They're still Sans, so probably make ou-

Sans - T-That enough of that question! Next one please!

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