Chapter 60; Support Items

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Sans groaned as he woke up in the all boys bedroom. He cared for his friends, he really did, but when he was prevented from his much needed sleep, he was ready to wage war on everything and everyone. An aura of misery and despair covered Sans entirely. Everyone stirred clear from his way. He didn't even change from his nightclothes; a black t-shirt with a skull, and a pair of Crimson Riot shorts. He sleepily drank from a mug of straight black coffee without realizing it. He spit it out and started coughing harshly.

Iida - "Good Morning Gaster! I apologize for all of us keeping you awake at night! I have made you coff-"

Sans gripped the mug and splashed it in Iida's face. Iida was about to yell, but the murderous look and literal smoke coming from his head had him backing away slowly.

Sans - "You people kept me awake for most of the night. The last good sleep I would've had this Summer. And now you give me straight. Black. Coffee?!"

The smoke coming from Sans's head started turning black. Eijirou panicked. He wet his hand, activated his quirk, and quickly ruffled Sans's hair.

Eijirou - "Bro, chill out! Bakugo made you breakfast."

Sans grumbled and groggily followed Eijirou to a table where Katsuki and the rest of the squad sat with Kota and Jelly.

Kota quickly shoved Kaminari from the chair on his left so he could sit between Katsuki and Sans. Sans slowly shoveled blueberry strawberry oatmeal into his face.

Eijirou - "You good now?"

His dear younger brother was not spared. Eiji's bright yellow and orange soul (Justice = yellow and Orange = Bravery) appeared. Eijirou activated his quick as Sans flicked his wrist and sent Eijirou flying out the window.

Eijirou - "I'm okay! I'll take that as a no then!"

Mina - "Serves ya right Eiji! Shame on all you boys for keeping our poor Sansy awake all night! He can't function like this!"

Mina was spared the trip through the window. She glomped onto Sans and hugged him as tight as she could, nuzzling the top of his head under her cheek.

Asui - "Kero, you can sleep in our room tonight Gaster. We don't mind."

Uraraka - "It'll be fun! We'll give you a mini spa treatment and let you sleep the whole night!"

Yaoyorozu - "I'll make an extra air mattress for you! And earplugs!"

Hagakure - "I'll put some ketchup bottles in the minifridge for you!"

As the girls planned out Sans's fate later in the night, nobody noticed him landing face first into his oatmeal and light snoring.

Mandalay - "Okay Kittens! Time to start your Summer Training!"

Sans's back went ramrod straight as soon as he heard the voice of his nightmares. Bits of strawberry and oats stuck in his hair and on his face. His eyes were blown as wide as possible to show he wasn't sleeping.

Ragdoll - "Oh dear, everyone go hit the showers and get changed into your gym uniforms."

Sans walked away as fast as possible to everybody's confusion with the exception of Mina, Mandalay, and Ragdoll. They were beyond amused. Sans was the first one in and first one out of the shower. As each of his friends and classmates were split between the Pussycats, He remained with Kota.

Sans - "Uh, what am I supposed to do?"

Majima - "You'll be with me."

Sans - "Hey Power Loader. What's up?"

"It's a Beautiful Day Outside...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon