Chapter 59; Off to Summer (Training) Camp

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Turns out Nezu was right! Who could've seen that coming? Sans was dehydrated with a small fever. All Sans needed was some fluids and a bit of ibuprofen. Sans was learning very quickly how crappy his new human immune system was.

Eijirou - "You ready to go bro?"

Sans - "Yeah, I'm coming. Did me and Koda pass? It went dark before I could find out."

Katsuki - "Of course you fucking passed."

Eijirou - "It was so cool dude! Such a manly win."

Sans - Did you fight with Midoriya?"

Katsuki looked away with wide eyes.

Sans - "Katsuki."


Katsuki did in fact continue to fight against and with their green haired classmate. So as they all sat on the bus to their Summer training camp. Sans refused to sit with him. The seats on the bus were three per row, so Sans sat next to the window, Mina next to him, and Eijirou next to her. Katsuki sat in front of Sans. He was kneeling on the seat and trying to talk to him. Sans pointedly ignored him in favor of having Mina play with his hair. A small group was huddled away watching them with wide eyes.

Midoriya - "I don't think I've ever seen Kacchan grovel like this."

Hitoshi - "Love will do that to you man."

Kaminari - "Babe I'm sorry! I didn't know it was your coffee!"


Sans - "Mina, I'm getting a horrifying sense of deja vu."

Mina - "Here we go again."

Mandalay - "Hello Kittens! Welcome to the Beast's Forest! I am using my quirk to telepathically speak to you all! My friends and I are waiting for you at our headquarters at the forest's center. We'll see you all there! Oh, and play nice with Pixie Bob's beasts!"

Sans - "I am not doing this again. Mina, wanna join me?"

Mina - "Though you'd never ask."

Sans summoned a blaster big enough for the both of them and started flying above the forest.



Mina - "Was that a good idea?"

Sans - "There is no way in hell he's getting there before sunset. And if he does, those cuddles are gonna be well earned. Right now, we could start getting food ready for everyone."

Mina - "Woo! Food! Onward ho!"

Mina hung off of Sans's shoulders and pointed forward. The large house soon came into view where the Pussycats, Kota, and Jelly waited for them.

Kota - "Sans! Mina!"

Sans was quick to land and let Kota hug him tightly. Jelly nearly tackled Mina from how hard she charged her.

Mandalay - "Welcome back Kittens."

Mina - "Hey! It's great to be back!"

Sans - "Hi guys. Hey, Pixie Bob? If it's no trouble, can you sort've corral them here before sunset?"

Pixie Bob - "No problem Sans."

Sans gave her a smile before turning back to Kota and Mina. They were both smirking at him.

Sans - "Shut up and help me with the food."

With Mina's help they were able to make a big curry dinner for everyone in the class as well as the Pussycats and Kota. Sans waited up front with everyone until they could see their friends walking to them. Midoriya tried to shake hands with Kota. Sans yanked Kota's soul toward himself to save Midoriya's jewels, but was a few seconds too late. His green haired classmate was hunched in on himself, dry heaving into the dirt. Katsuki snickered and hugged Sans from behind.

Katsuki - "I made it back before sunset Richter."

Sans - "Congratulations Ground Zero. Hey everyone, me and Mina made dinner! Hurry up!"

Katsuki lifted Sans out of the way of the stampede of starving teens. Sans made himself a separate bowl of a sweeter tomato and chicken curry compared to the more spicy beef and chili he and Mina made for everyone else. Sans yawned halfway through his food. He hadn't had a nap all day and it was getting to him.

Kaminari - "Hot spring time!"

Sans was dragged away from the table to the big shared boys bedroom. He shoved his face into the corner to avoid watching his friend strip down. He didn't even like seeing his own body in the mirror, there was no way he wanted to look at others. As soon as everyone left the room, he pulled on a pair of swim trunks Eiji packed for him and wrapped a towel around his upper body. There was no way Kaminari and Eijirou would let him sleep.

Katsuki smirked at Sans as he sank into the hot water. The heat was already making the smaller drowsy. He tugged Sans's head into his neck. Kota sat on top of the wall dividing the girls from the boys. Jelly flew around the top of the building, keeping close to Kota's perch. It wasn't long before Sans was moving his corpse from the hot water into the shared boys room. Katsuki and the others found him in a pretzel, snoring away in his trunks and towels.

Vote, comment, and have a fantabulous day 💖💖😊😊 
855 words 

This chapter is dedicated to SugarCcino987

&quot;It's a Beautiful Day Outside...Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz