Chapter 39; 20% Fire Elemental

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Sans always knew he was different from Papyrus. He always chalked it up to differences in hobbies, what they liked and hated, the knowledge of resets, to even being differing Skeleton kinds. (Upper and lower)

To find out that his whole self of being wasn't even supposed to exist? That hurt his soul like nothing ever had before. Was his soul even real? If he was artificially created, was his soul any less than Asriel's? Than Undyne or Alphys's?

Despite all of the nasty thoughts in the back of his mind, they were always going to be just that. Thoughts. Nothing was going to make them disappear or make them hurt less. But he was going to twist those thoughts and use them to fuel how he lived going forward.

His dad, no...Gaster wanted to kill him for having a weak soul. He already was the most powerful monster in the Underground and probably in this new world. His soul might be weak, but his DETERMINATION and will was strong enough to compensate for it. He would live for the sole purpose now, to spite his creator.

He still had many questions however. Was Papyrus aware of Sans's purpose? That Sans's magic was going to be his own? Was that why he always got on his case about never training and always being lazy? And 001, his older sister, Nova; where is she? Is she dead, alive? In the Underground, on the surface?

And lastly...the last 20% of his D.N.A. Obviously it came from Grillby. He was the last of his kind after the Great War, the Fire Elemental race was on the front lines with the Earth Elementals. Grillby was the sole survivor, going on to become the Great General Grillby, Leader of the Third Wave with General WingDings Gaster.

Was Grillby aware of Sans's sharing his D.N.A? He never alluded to it before, and the journal made it abundantly clear that Grillby wasn't cognizant of having sired a child. Still, all of Sans's unrepressed memories of Grillby were more fatherly and more parental than the ones he had of Gaster.

Gaster was quite literally raising him like a pig for slaughter. The irony of it all. Sans was created to be a soldier to go against humans, and a human killed him for thousands of resets with barely any breaks. How he wished Gaster could've seen it. Even the most powerful monster in the Underground was no match for a human child with a freakish amount of DETERMINATION. The irony would've made him laugh if it wasn't his life. Oh well, nothing he could do about it now.

Still though. He had one more, burning, question. Since his D.N.A was 20% of Grillby did he have latent fire magic? That would be really cool and massively useful to have under his belt.

"If you stare at that bowl any longer, it might burst into flames."

Sans jumped slightly and remembered where he was. Shota, Hizashi, Hitoshi, and Eijirou left for school and Natsumi left for the station. Ichika and Asriel were at the table playing a puzzle. Grillby was outside reading a novel while the sun was at its brightest.

"Boys, I have to go into the office today. I want you both to be on your best behavior for Grillby, understood?"

"No problem Mom. Me and Azzy are just gonna spar a bit in the yard, maybe get some serious napping done, etc."

"Alright. I'll see you both in a few hours."

Both received a kiss to the forehead before Ichika left.

"Since when do you want to spar with me, Comedian?"

"Shut up, I just want to test something."

"Fine by me, I won't hold back though!"


Sans had a theory he wanted to test. If you submerge a lighter under water, it becomes rather difficult to relight on its own. However, if you light a separate lighter, you can use that flame to light the wet lighter. Sans's thought process was that if he was to come into contact with fire magic, it could spark whatever innate abilities he could have. Only one way to test it out.

"It's a Beautiful Day Outside...Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя