Chapter 15; Date?!

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A/N, prepare your pearls for major clutching

For their hero training that day everyone was paired up to spar. Being the last two on the field, Sans and Katsuki got paired up. Sans worked on his dodging and Katsuki worked on how many explosions he could make in a short period of time. By the end of the class, both boys were exhausted, Sans more so. Katsuki ended up carrying the sleeping boy on his back to the locker room.

Todoroki gave him a pissy look, but otherwise stayed at his locker. Sans woke up briefly to shower and get dressed, but went right back to sleep. Katsuki carried Sans back into the classroom before everyone else.

"Hey Skeleton Freak, wake up."

"Hmm? Oh, hey Ground Zero. What's up?"


Katsuki thrusted a piece of paper in Sans's hands with a violent blush on his face and ears. Sans, upon reading the paper, had a similar bright blue blush on his face. The paper held the recipe for the ketchup chocolates (ketchlates if you will) but also had a little question at the very bottom.

"U-um, yeah sure. Today after school sounds good to you?"

"Y-yeah. I'll show up at your place at 4:30, okay?"


Katsuki quickly left the room, not wanting to show off his flaming face. Sans was also blushing up a storm as he pulled up his phone.

<~Kirishima Gaster Group Chat~>

Sans - Ichika! I ned u to com get me from scool!

Ichika - What? Are you okay Sans?

Papyrus - Brother, are you alright?!

Sans - Sory Paps, wron chat.

<~Ichika & Sans Private Chat~>

Sans - Ichika, please com get me!

Ichika - Why?

Sans - I was asked out on a date!

Ichika - Say less, I'm on my way, tell Eijirou that I'm coming, you're both being pulled today.

Sans - Ur a saint T_T thank u

Ichika - No problem, be ready, I'm almost there

Ichika has signed off

Sans has signed off

When Eijirou walked into the room laughing with Kaminari, Sans stood up and dragged Eijirou out faster than anyone had seen him move all year.

"Bro, Sans what's up?"

"Ichika's coming to pick us up."

Sans grabbed him and shortcutted to the front of the building where Ichika sat waiting in her car.

"Get in."

Sans quickly got in the back seat pulling his knees up to his chest.

"Ma, what's going on?"

"Our sweet Sans has been asked out on a date! And we are going to help him prepare for it."

"Yo what! Dude who was it?!"


"Nope, wrong answer. I know I didn't ask you. Who is it?"

"Hmph. Bakugo..."

"Haha! This is awesome! I knew he wanted to ask you out, but I didn't think it would be so soon!"

"You knew?!"

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