Chapter 16; A Cold and A Bank Robbery

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Sans woke up in bed, feeling uncomfortably warm and stuffy. He was on a cushy surface but he couldn't open his eyes because of the bright light streaming through a window.

"Hmm, Sans? Morning."

"Wha... It's hot."


Katsuki pressed the back of his hand to Sans's forehead. Sans's face was flushed light blue, his speech was slurred slightly, and his skin was sticky and clammy.

"Katsuki, Sans, wake uuup, Katsuki, what's going on?"

"Dad, I think he's sick! What do I do?!"

"First, calm down. Second, get out of bed. Go to the medicine cabinet and get a cooling patch. Then make some rice porridge. We can keep him comfortable until The Kirishimas' can come get him."

Katsuki was tripping over himself to get to the bathroom. Masaru chuckled and tucked Sans into the covers. Katsuki returned with a cooling patch.

"Thank you Katsuki. Now go make some porridge with honey."

Masaru laughed at his son. Katsuki was acting like him when Mitsuki was sick when they were his age. Like father, like son. He kept Sans's temperature regulated until Katsuki came back with a bowl of bright red porridge.

"Katsuki -"

"Sans likes ketchup. So I put some in the porridge."

"He can't have that, Katsuki. It would make him more sick to have that much ketchup. Please remake it with a little bit of honey."

Katsuki grumbled and took the bowl back to the kitchen. Masaru shook his head and placed a thermometer in Sans's mouth; holding it in place so it didn't fall down his throat. While he waited for his temperature reading, he took out his phone.

Masaru and Ichika chat

Masaru - Hey, Ichika? It's Masaru. Sans caught a cold. Would you or Natsumi mind coming to get him?

Ichika - Hey, it's Natsumi. Ichi is still sleeping. I'll be over to pick him up. Think you can wait a little longer?

Masaru - No problem. Katsuki's making him porridge right now. See you soon.

Masaru has signed off

Masaru put his phone on the nightstand when he heard the thermometer beep.

"99°? Any higher, we'd have to take you to the hospital."

Katsuki rushed in with a bowl of perfect, golden rice porridge and a bottle of cold and flu medication. Katsuki stuck close to the bed and watched with hawk-like precision while Masaru fed Sans spoon after spoon of the porridge. Sans turned his head away after the tenth spoonful.

"Here, Katsuki. Take this to the kitchen. Natsumi will be here soon."

"You take it."

Masaru sighed, but one look at his son, holding Sans's hand, made him smile and ruffle his hair.

"Alright. Try not to wake him up. I'll be right back."

Masaru took the half empty bowl to the kitchen, where his beautiful wife was nursing a cup of coffee.

"Good morning, gorgeous."

"Too much sap, too early in the morning."

Masaru laughed and kissed her temple.

"Where are the boys?"

"Katsuki's keeping an eye on Sans. He, unsurprisingly, caught a cold. Natsumi is coming soon -"

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