Chapter 52; Gaster meets Overhaul

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"Master why should we -"

"That is enough Tomura. The Shie Hassaikai will be in the possession of quirk inhibiting and enhancing drugs before long."

"I am quite intrigued by the leader of the Hassaikai myself. To be able to make such chemical warfare would have greatly assisted the Great War in my own world."

W.D Gaster madeself known by walking into the dark room with his clipboard. His face was melting at a snail's pace. Throughout his time in this new world, Gaster had taken four humans as temporary vessels. The time of his vessel's durability was gradually getting less and less. The sooner he found 002, the sooner he could take over 003's body as his true vessel.

"Yes. Tomura, you and Dr. Gaster will go to the Hassaikai and learn from them. Their strengths, weaknesses, their science, anything and everything you can."

"As you say master."

Gaster smirked from behind his clipboard.

"Dr. Gaster, how is your experiment with 001 going?"

"What experiment, Master?"

"I have located Experiment 002' whereabouts a month and two weeks ago. I'm running a mental experiment on 001 to see how much it will take to protect 002."

"That's cruel and inhumane."

"Pardon? I created all three of my artificial life experiments to further my life expectancy and research. I am merely testing the familial bond 001 and 002 have made."

Shigaraki sneered at Gaster and stormed out of the room.

"Don't mind Tomura, Dr. Gaster. He is an angry child by nature. Don't take what he says to heart."

"Noted. When must I depart to this "Shie Hassaikai?" I do have more work to do."

"Kurogiri will take you there immediately."

"I see. I must be going then."

Gaster left the room and joined Kurogiri and Shigaraki. Kurogiri transported them to a warehouse filled with people.

(Quick A/N, I have not watched BNHA in its entirety. So this will most likely not follow the proper cannon. So please don't come after me.)

They were instructed to follow a series of corridors until they walked inside a plain office styles room with a couch and a coffee table. A man with a colorful bird's beak mask covering his face sat on the couch.

Shigaraki - "What a boring office."

W.D Gaster - "I think it suits today's meeting. When discussing topics of serious nature, I find it best to not offer up visual distractions."

Chisaki - "I don't like overly cluttered rooms. You there, with the robe, your master -"

W.D Gaster - "Refrain yourself from calling AfO my master. I serve no one and especially not human scum."

Chisaki - "He told me where you originally come from and of your current predicament finding a stable vessel. I can see your current vessel is melting away."

W.D Gaster - "Yes. Monster Magic is known for being exceptionally harmful to humans. My conscious-transference completely eradicates the human's soul to make room for myself. However a human body is far too weak to sustain Monster Magic for an extended period of time. With each new vessel I acquire, the time gets less and less."

Chisaki - "I may be able to assist with prolonging your current vessel. As I'm sure you're aware, I have a quirk inhibiting drug. I think that, if I use your genetic makeup, I can synthesis a drug that can suppress your magic's potency, thus extending your vessel usage."

W.D Gaster - "Exceptional plan, and I just so happen to have an artificial life form I have created with half of my D.N.A. I'm sure that will suffice your purposes?"

Chisaki - "Greatly so. With your permission, of course, I would like to study your creation for my own research."

W.D Gaster - "I can appreciate the curiosity for a new species. In this current form I doubt your lab work will show us differing from humans. I will allow these tests to take place, but 001 will remain with me. You may take whatever samples you desire, but 001 will not be permitted from leaving the area. Understood?"

Chisaki - "Yes. You, your master told me about why you are here. I have two briefcases, one containing plenty of each drug and instructions on dosage to weight ratio. I don't recommend using these drugs on your men, seeing as they are unperfected and extremely addicting."

Shigaraki - "Good. We're leaving Gaster."

W.D Gaster - "Pleasure meeting you Doctor..."

Chisaki - "Chisaki Kai."

W.D Gaster - "Well then, Dr. Chisaki, I look forward to our collaboration."

Chisaki - "As do I, have a pleasant evening Dr. Gaster."

Gaster and Shigaraki left the office styled room and saw Kurogiri staring at a small female child with a singular horn and long white hair. She was on the ground staring up at him with large scared red eyes.

Chisaki - "Apologies. This is my daughter, Eri. Sorry if she caused you trouble."

Kurogiri escorted them both back to the L.o.V headquarters outside of AfO's room.

Shigaraki - "What are you going to tell Master?"

W.D Gaster - "Hm? That's not my job. Go tell your master exactly what you have learned."

Gaster left Shigaraki at the door and walked to the basement holding cells. He heard voices, so he stayed quiet to see what was going on.

"Dabs, you're such -! I'm not telling you a damn thing about my brother, so you can go fuck yourself."

"Oh? Playing dumb now, mutt? And my name is Dabi, not dabs. Get it right or I'll incinerate you."

"I'd like to see you try your burnt piece of meat."

The bright blue flames forced Gaster from his spot in the stairwell. Dabi's hand was engulfed in his fire and an annoyed look graced his features. 001 was cocky and smug as it stared down Dabi.

"That is quite enough. Dabi, fetch me my tool bag. 001, shut your insolent mouth."


Nova sat through a painful extraction of her skin, hair, fur, blood, and her bottom wisdom tooth.

"That should be enough data. Dabi, retrieve a bowl of warm pasta. The warm food will heal her."

Gaster vanished through a portal Kurogiri made. Dabi dropped his indifferent facade and rushed to Nova's side.

"Babe, you okay?"

"I'm fine, but I do need food. When you get back we can continue discussing names."

"Nunito is not gonna be our kid's name."

"Why not? It's gender neutral and its cute! In my culture, Nunito was a great warrior from the Skeleton Segregation thousands of years ago.They were a great protector who loathed the use of violence."

"Okay okay. Since the name holds that much meaning to you, if we have a boy, we'll name him Nunito. If they're a girl I want to name her Rei."

"Deal. I can't wait!"

Glowing red eyes watching the happy couple from the dark stairwell. 

Vote, comment, and have a fantabulous day 😊😊💖💖 
1143 words 

This chapter is dedicated to BubblyShip for their latest edition to their "Welcome Home, Serial Killer" series titled "Just Me and My Serial Killers"

Go show them and their amazing stories some love!

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