102. N2DEEP Pt. 3

215 11 74

FYI, long chapter.
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Shawnie's POV

It was silent for a couple of minutes before I said anything.

".....babe....." I place my hand on his shoulder.

He just shakes his head as if he doesn't want me to say anything.

What the hell is going on?

"It's okay, babe." I say in a soft voice.

"It's not okay. I'm sorry, baby." He says. "...I'm sorry you had to see that." He puts his arm around my waist and kisses me on my cheek.

"No, it's really okay." I look him in the eyes and I kissed him again.

He looks at me for a couple of seconds. "......What exactly are you saying is okay?"

"Whatever is going on ... I don't like that you put your hands on you cousin, but we can work through it."

He lets out a breath. "Shawnie..."

"Don't do that to your cousin anymore. He didn't deserve that. What's going on between you two?"

"Nothing." He says

Someone starts banging on the door, scaring the shit out of me. Joe tenses up and stands to his feet.

"Stay here." He says

"What the hell is going on?"

"Just stay here. I already know that's Jon." He goes to answer the door.

I wanted to get up and see but I knew Joe would be upset with me. Plus, I'm trying to listen to people and not do what I want to anyway. So I listen intensely from my seat. I've never seen this much action out of the twins, something is going on. And let's not forget the fact that Joe almost killed his own blood a few minutes ago.

I hear Joe open the door.

"Don't bang on this door. What?" He says, clearly pissed off.

"Why you do that?" Jon says. "Why you put your hands Im my brother?"

"Tell your little brother to keep his damn mouth closed. He's talking too much."

"Because he's telling you the right thing to do? You need to talk about your shit. You doing all this shit and you're dancing around the issue. Tell. Her." Jon says

What the fuck? Now Jon is basically saying the same thing Jey said. Joe is lying to me about something? That doesn't even sound right and I don't believe it. Joe wouldn't lie to me. They're really tripping.

I hear Joe say something that I couldn't make out, then I hear shuffling. Did he attack Jon too?

I start to stand up then I hear Joe whispering.

"Let me do this...I—"

I then see Jon walking around the corner and into the living room, with Joe close behind him. Joe looked as if he was pissed.

"Shawnie, I apologize for mine and my brother's behavior. You shouldn't see us this way. I mean this with all respect, no one here is trying to upset you or be malicious but you need to ask him about the night y'all met. Ask him why he was at the hotel to begin with. Jey is only trying to keep you together, not tear you apart."

Joe just shakes his head.

"He hasn't been all the way truthful about his sister. I know because I was there when he found out certain things surrounding her death." He turns to Joe. "Tell the truth..." he says, then leaves.

Under The Influence: N 2 Deepजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें