6. Overdrive

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Shawnie's POV  

Instead of going and getting in the bed with Aubrey I went into the room Dori was staying in and got in bed with her. I was furious with Aubrey and I did not know how or where to place my anger, so I figured it was just best for me to separate myself from him for a while.

I felt like I was being raped at one point and I couldn't get his attention to stop. I called his name and he didn't stop. It was honestly worse than the first time. I felt like he wasn't there and I was with a stranger. I've never experienced this with him before and I don't like it.

"Shawnie?" She says pulling the blanket from over me.


"What are you doing in bed with me?" She says and I turn over, to face her.

"I didn't want to sleep in a bed with Aubrey."

"Aubrey? He's here?" She says

"We had a fight. Well, not a fight, I'm just not feeling him right now." I say

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"So last night, you know how I went over to Chris's house?"

"Yeah, what happened with that?" She asks

"I don't really wanna get into any details as far as that goes but let's just say, Chris has not changed."


"So when I got to the car, I noticed I had a bunch of text messages and missed calls, and they were from Aubrey. I get on the phone with him and he is pissed off. We go back-and-forth for a bit and after a while we kinda talk things out. I came back here, I made myself a drink and fell asleep on the couch. I woke up around five something this morning, and Aubrey is on the couch next to me. We ended up getting into it all over again and he just did some stuff that I was not okay with... You know I can't get into too many details when it comes to Aubrey but, I'm just so upset with him."

"I'm sorry..." she says. "Is there anything I can do?"

"No. But I've never been this upset with him before. Like I've never not slept in bed with him because I was upset. I think this might be our biggest fight ever. Oh! And I slapped him."

"Oh my god. What did he do?"

"Nothing..." I say

"Everything will work out. I know how he feels about you. I won't be surprised if he comes knocking down this door in a second. You guys are a really good couple and of course I only know what I see and I'm not around him a lot but I do know that you guys love each other. When he comes around you're beaming from ear to ear and the same goes for him. You guys will work this out and you'll laugh about it later." She says

"I hope so."

Just then Aubrey knocks on the door. Dori and I look at each other and I roll my eyes.

"I know that's him." She says, "Come in!!"

The door opens and Aubrey appears in the frame, holding Atlas.

"Good morning, Dorian."

She smiles, "Good morning!"

"Shawnie, come to the bedroom." He demands and I just look at him.

"So you're going to do this in front of Dorian?" He says

"You're the one that's about to use my son against me."

He didn't say anything at first, he just looked at me for a few seconds and then he looked at Dori, "Can you hold Atlas for a few minutes?"

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