92. Rich Flex

201 6 58

Chris' POV

"Excuse me? He what?" I said, making sure I heard correctly.

"Yes." she replied. "But I'm back home now. Planning to take a bath and try to relax."

"Wait, fuck that. Hold on a second. Did you just say he had you arrested? Say it again." I demanded.

"He called the authorities on me because I slapped him." she revealed.

A wave of numbness engulfed me, rendering me momentarily unable to sense anything. Heat surged through my body, and an intense rage began to well up within me.

"Shawnie, please tell me you're playing with me."

"I'm not. I had to call Mark. He was there too."

"He had you in jail?" I ask

"Well, not jail jail. The officer held me in his office so I wouldn't be in an actual cell. We wanted to hold off because they thought it was bs too. He wanted me to try to get him to drop the charges and he eventually did."

"But he thought you were in jail. Don't make excuses for him."

"Yeah." She says

"He's in LA right now?" I ask

"Chris don't." She says. She already knows what's up.

"I'm not. Let me call you back."

"No. Please just let it go. I just wanted to tell you because there were paps outside taking photos. I didn't want you to find out that way. I know you'd be upset I didn't tell you."

"I appreciate that, I really do, but this man is taking this too far. I know you told me a bunch of times not to get involved but fuck that. I'm stepping in because this isn't like it's a one time incident, this has been going on for too long. I've been too quiet."

"And I appreciate you trying to step in but just leave it alone. You got your own shit you're dealing with."

"Leave it alone? This man has done the worst of things to you, and it still feels like you're trying to protect him, why?"

"I'm not, I just don't want to piss him off more and start more shit between us. I just want him to stop fucking with me."

"I'll get him to stop." I say. "You letting him get away with too much bullshit. What's the reason? You shouldn't want anything to do with his man yet it always seems like you're willing to reel him in when you need him."

"That's not true. I want him away from me and I want him to leave me alone, but I can't do that." She says

"Well, you wouldn't be in this shit if you would've left him alone from the beginning." I start to feel more angrier than I already am. This shit brings up feelings that I have tried to bury, and I have tried to live with, but this is really getting to me.

Now I have to release some frustrations.

"You didn't have to start working for him. You brought this motherfucker into our lives and fucked everything up." I start. "YOU created this life for yourself. And you have the nerve to get mad at me for trying to help you."

She sighs, "Christopher, stop it!"

"No. I'm tired of not being able to express myself because you don't wanna hear it. I'm tired of this shit. You called me to fix this shit."

"I'm not calling you to fix anything. I was trying to be considerate of your feelings, so you wouldn't find out like everyone else. But this backfired on me and it's obvious I should just let that shit happen." She says

Under The Influence: N 2 DeepTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon