43. Harder

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Chris POV

I flew down to SD around noon. It was a super quick flight. Up and down within 30 minutes. I was actually kind of happy to see Shawnie because I haven't seen her in a while. We FaceTime every now and then so she can talk to Gen, but that's pretty much the extent of me seeing her since before she left.

The car service was waiting for us when Gen and I got off the plane. We headed straight to the address Shawnie texted me when she first moved here. I didn't bother to call Shawnie while we were on our way to her house. I know she knew we were on our way to San Diego because I called her and let her know we were on the plane but she doesn't know that we landed or anything.

I pulled up to the house and it really didn't look like much from the street but I saw that was a completely different story once I started walking around to the back of the house. She clearly spent some money on this place. I looked through the patio doors and the house was gorgeous. I knocked on the door to see if anyone would come downstairs and then I heard a noise above me.

"You got two seconds to tell me who you are before I shoot you." I heard a man above me. 

I stepped out from under the upstairs balcony and I saw Joe staring down at me with his hand behind his back.

"Aw, what's up boy!!" Joe says excitedly.

"What's up!!" I say. I watched him walk down the stairs and over to me.

"Shawnie, didn't tell me you were coming this early."

"Yeah, I wanted to let her get some time in with Gen before we headed out."

"What are y'all doing?" He asks

"I'm going to take her out to dinner for her birthday. I planned a nice little boat dinner for her."

"That's nice...Question, Is anything going on between you two?"

"Nah, I just wanted to do something nice for her. That's all."

"O oh okay. That's dope! Okay." He smiles.

I kinda look at him for a few seconds because what the hell is he asking me that for. That shit ain't none of his motherfucking business.

"Omg! Give me my baby!!" I hear Shawnie yelling from the living room. She rushes out and grabs Gen from my arms. She starts hugging and kissing her like a mad woman.

"Damn. Hello Chris. I'm happy to see you too." I say sarcastically. Damn she doesn't even care that I'm here.

"Hey!" She says dryly.

"So since you have our daughter here you have no use for me or a reason to talk to me now, huh?"

"Nope." She laughs and goes back inside.

"It's been just y'all too for a while, how has that been?" I ask

"It's been all right." Joe says

"I know you're here with her 24/7 and y'all have this been nothing but time together. But what's been going on with her and Drake?" I ask

"The usual. Gaslighting her like a motherfucker."

I shake my head. "She said it was being taken care of but  what happened last night?"

"I'll let her tell you that. It's not my place to tell you if she wants to share that information with you she can, But I'm not gonna get in the middle of that situation."

"That serious, huh?"

"Serious enough for her to be pissed off at him, yeah." He says

"Aight, I'm gonna go talk to her. We're not going anywhere so if you want to chill out and go somewhere you can. Will be here for a few hours." I would like for him to leave and give us some privacy so I can talk to her without feeling like he's listening. I don't have any feelings towards Joe. I like the guy, I think he's cool as fuck and the fact that he choked Drake out gives him major points with me.

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