76. Get To You

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No. Not a Drake or CB song, but it fits 1000%. Take a listen, you'll like it. 😌


Mercedes POV

"I'm worried about her." I day to Dori.

"I am too. I ask her if she's okay and she tells me yes. Every time I ask I get that response."

"She tells me the same thing. I've never really seen her like this. I've been with her through multiple break ups and I've never gotten this. I'm really worried." I say

"The only thing we can do is be there for her."

"I just wish she would open up to me. She doesn't have Joe anymore, and she still won't talk."

"She hasn't said much in the last month about him. I know she misses him but it's like she refuses to talk about him."

"I think she thinks he's coming back. It's almost like she's in denial." I say

"She kinda is. She still talks like he's coming back and it's been a month. I told him that I would tell her after a couple of weeks but I really thought he would call her. The fact that he didn't is messed up on his part." She says

"It is but maybe he didn't want to talk to her. Maybe he just lied to get out. He probably had no intention of calling her, and he just told you whatever. And to be honest, that's perfectly fine. But she needs to understand, he ain't coming back so stop talking about it. She needs to get herself together and move the fuck on."

"I agree." She says. "I'm going to try to talk to her, tell her we're worried about her."

"I'm telling you, the bitch is telling us she's good. Meanwhile, she is spiraling on the inside, and it's only a matter of time before she explodes, sets some shit on fire. I know my cousin."

Shawnie's POV

It has been a month since all of that bullshit happened at the hotel. My dad flew in to help me move, and I have officially moved into my new home. I have been super busy with unpacking and decorating and honestly it has taken my mind off of lots of shit that I have going on. It has been a really good mental break that I am super busy with this and it's honestly been good for me.

I love having my dad here and although he isn't moving in with me quite yet, he will be moving in with me. He has a lot of things that he has to get an order before he moves, but we have started that process to get him here. He has the other master suite in the house and it's furnished. All we have to do now is get his things from Chicago and sell the house there. I'm so excited.

I am officially divorced. That actually happened about a week after he brought the police to my suite. I'm very happy that it's official and I am free. I am not bound to him anymore but I can't say I'm excited about it. When I got the news I was just like "oh okay". I wasn't jumping up and down or screaming or anything. I guess it was more of a relief than anything. It's been a long process and the last year and a half have been mostly hell. I am happy that that chapter is closed and I'm starting a new one.

Mercedes and Dori have been keeping me focused and they have been really good to me lately. I don't know exactly why I think they just feel bad for me but Mercedes is being the Mercedes that I always wanted her to be and I love it. She's very supportive of me right now and that's something that I need. Plus, she really hasn't had much to say about my personal life and that has always been an issue between the two of us. She likes to butt in, but I just chalk it up to she just cares about me and wants me to be okay.

Dori is such a good friend to me and she is definitely somebody that I'll see in my life for a very long time. She's been with me throughout this whole process and she's been amazing. I honestly don't have any complaints about anything that she's done because I feel like it's all been in my best interest and there has been nothing shady going on. I don't keep a lot of friends around me especially since Cassidy but she has shown me that I can still have good friends.

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